“No they won’t” Slade confirmed quietly. Heaven was a paradise, few people alive had the sheer willpower to try and leave such a location, fewer still that would be able to succeed. Hell on the other hand? Well that was a different story. “And I’m not here to send you there either, and one should never want to go either” He would go on lifting his mask as he spoke; he had no need for it here, not now at any rate. He was an older man; seemingly in his late thirty’s. His hair was cut short and was a crisp white. He had one deep blue eye visible, the other was covered by a simple leather eye patch and he had a small neatly trimmed beard. Were it not for the eye patch and armor he could easily look like a kindly grandfather. “I was a friend of your mothers.” He would continue after a moment “And she used to work for those ladies that attacked. They were mad at Yumiko for leaving.” He would explain. There was more to it than that of course. The years of attempts to try and coerce Yumiko back into the fold and the slow escalation of threats, but those reasons would just muddy the end point they both stood at. “I learned about it too late to be able to help” He would admit without shame. Slade knew he was good, really damn good, but he also knew that he wasn’t perfect. That it was impossible to be such, and he never allowed himself to fall into that kind of over confidence again. His lost eye still burned at the thought. “Your mother was a wonderful woman.” He would stand and walk over to where Jin stood next to her parents’ bodies “The world is a lesser place with her loss and it wasn’t your fault you couldn’t fulfill her last order” He would once again crouch down to look young Jinyah in the eye. “You have two options in front of you right now. The police, the people your father worked with, will be here soon. They will take you to somewhere where you can try and move past this night, to a place where you can try and become part of a different family.” Jinyah would likely be taken to an Orphanage, required to see a therapist, and potentially be able to live a normal life, but this night had already left its mark on her and it always would. Had she been anyone else that would be the only option Slade would offer. But she wasn’t anyone else “The other is that you can come with me, to my home. I can’t promise much, I’ve not been a father in... quite a long time. But you won’t be alone. Where we go from there is up to you, but you won’t be alone, that I can promise.” This would cause problems, he knew it would, but sometimes the best option is the one that causes the most problems. So few people understood that sometimes and absently he wondered what the Capes would think about this development.