[center][h2][color=rosybrown][i]Willowa Turnas[/i][/color][/h2][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] The werewolves were truly pathetic jailors without the benefits of the Abyss' many warded cells and carefully maintained security to hide behind, and it was only the advantage of numbers that lent them any credence as a threat in the current state of affairs. As Willowa sat upon a groaning mound of meat that was formerly a jailor, taking in the defeat of the other packs, she noted that even that pitiful edge was dulling and chipping under the force of unified escapees. Of course, they weren't in anyway organized themselves, what with the vampire just trying to run away and leave them to the mess, but karma was a fickle mistress and nearly smited her for it had not another monstrous entity moved to intercede itself between ragged blade and alabester flesh caught in the eternal repose of undeath. Willowa found her breath coming out in heated gasps, tongue darting between parted lips as the lagoon was made wet with the spilt blood of mongrels, but her excitement was short lived and she huffed, unsatisfied, as it ended all too soon. [color=rosybrown]"It appears there is no need for you to live longer with a far healthier speciment captured. Unfortunately for you lot, I have no reason to waste time mercifully ending you either. If you're lucky, you may yet be able to end your own lives before another bottom feeder comes to eat your mishapen flesh to the bone~"[/color] Willowa said in a sing-song voice, patting her former seat before twirling to join the gathering group, letting the last echoes of her sadistic impulses let her feel a twinge of excitement at the artful motion. Arriving in a whirl of robes, she found her eyes drifting to the strange one who moved with a sound akin to rattling chains yet acted with the seeming innocence of a child, even going so far as to pet the captured wolf like one does a cute, fluffy animal. [color=rosybrown]"In all my time here selling between the cells, I don't think we've been introduced. Willowa Turnas,"[/color] She said, gesticulating to herself with a roll of the wrist before turning it about to Pandora, fingers splayed out beneath the strange woman's chin, gently tilting it up to meet the tall drow's eyes with a tap. [color=rosybrown]"And you would be?"[/color]