[center][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQC728MDKBx_YsZsS8sD2CQdeApuQcSeCYg1jWBVch9H4y86_1Z[/img] [color=DarkMagenta][h3]Second Rhaetian Republic (Rhaetia)[/h3][/color][/center] [color=DarkMagenta][b]Quick Description:[/b][/color] Rhaetia is a complicated landscape of diverse geography and bloody history. From the fertile southern plains and plentiful sea, to the towering wooded peaks of the north. Throughout the land are heavily fortified towns and villages, always located in strategically important locations atop bluffs or straddling vital river crossings. Various districts are governed by a senate of elected officials who can hold their office for no more than four years. It is an ancient land peopled by a relatively modern race born of the forced union of Arkonian soldiers and the now virtually extinct local Orcish population. [color=DarkMagenta][b]The 3rd Rebellion:[/b][/color] Rhaetia sided with the Crown during the 3rd Rebellion. [color=DarkMagenta][b]Population/Races:[/b][/color] The dominant species in Rhaetia are the Ruline, a hybrid species created following the First Rebellion in which Arkon soldiers crushed local Orcish tribes that had risen against the King from Beyond the Sea. The Orcs that survived were enslaved and became little more than strong backs and breeding stock. From this strange union came the Ruline; strongly built humanoids with green, almost red-tinged, scaly skin and notable jet black hair. Small tusks are still common and meticulously cared for; any Ruline who grows larger tusks will file them down. The Ruline can grow no facial hair. There are still a few Orcish tribes clinging to the deep mountains but their numbers dwindle every year. Arkronians, Avan, and Humans are represented in small numbers, usually as diplomats, merchants, or as skilled tradesfolk. [color=DarkMagenta][b]Culture/Society:[/b][/color] Rhaetians are well known for their horsemanship, celebrations, and desire to enjoy every meal like it was their last. Much of their culture revolves around horses, which were introduced by the invading Arkronian forces. Breeding, training, and owning horses is a integral part of Rhaetian society and even the poorest home is likely to own at least one horse that can compete in local events or carry a soldier to battle. For the best riders there is fame and fortune to be had. Rhaetians build a house around a garden, not the other way around. Great care is taken to ensure their homes are beautiful, well built, inviting and tranquil. Gardens are everywhere, as are elaborate water features that help calm the mind and cleanse the spirit. Music and dance is often taken for granted, but Rhaetians are famous for their elaborate dances, brightly coloured costumes, and wide range of musical instruments. The guitar is the most popular and the best musicians and bards are fetted and celebrated for their skill. Rhaetians can be accused of eating simply to have a conversation. Major meals are taken twice daily and can last several hours; they are a very engaged affair and those who share a table will discuss anything and everything. Food is often simple but delicious and comes when it is ready, forcing everyone to share dishes among the group, thus encouraging more participation among guests. [color=DarkMagenta][b]Religion:[/b][/color] There is no notable faith among the Rhaetian people. The state itself recognizes no official religion and allows its citizens to worship as they wish, providing it does not disturb the order of things. [color=DarkMagenta][b]History:[/b][/color] The dominant species in Rhaetia are the Ruline, a hybrid species created following the First Rebellion in which Arkon soldiers crushed the local Orcish tribes that has risen against the King from Beyond the Sea. The Orcs that survived were enslaved and became little more than strong backs and breeding stock. As four hundred years passed, the Ruline spread out across Rhaetia, slowly replacing the Arkronians as the dominant race. It was during the Second Rebellion that the Ruline became the dominant race when the King stripped every Arkronian he could find from the region to fill the ranks of his army. By this time the Ruline, widely referred to as Rhaetians, had established themselves as excellent horsemen and were called upon to provide light horse archers and scouts to the Kings army. They did so with skill and distinction, so much so that when the Century of Chaos finally came to and end, the King rewarded the Rhaetians with their own nation. The First Rhaetian Republic was a mitigated disaster as the fledgling state attempted to rule itself even as thousands of young men returned from the wars. The senators at the time were those who had remained home and gotten rich; their laws and policies aimed at protecting what they had gained. The Second Rhaetian Republic was born in a twenty four hours of blood letting when veterans stormed the senate, slaughtered the senators, and proclaimed a new government. There were hiccups along the of course, but with time the Republic managed to find its legs and several generations later entered the Third Rebellion as a loyal vassal of the crown. [color=DarkMagenta][b]Government:[/b][/color] Republic, controlled by a Senate whose head is known as the First Consul. [color=DarkMagenta][b]Economy:[/b][/color] Agrarian [color=DarkMagenta][b]Military:[/b][/color] The Rhaetian Army is a city-state militia in which every able-bodied, adult, male citizen is obliged to serve. Men are ranked by wealth, and their service obligation reflected their resources. Roughly a third, mainly formed of prosperous peasant-farmers, are deemed rich enough to equip themselves to fight as – heavy infantry – in a phalanx. The panoply – the full set of arms and armour – are expensive. Items of equipment are passed down the family line and replaced only when necessary. There are therefore no official uniform or standardised equipment, and the appearance of a phalanx varies from man to man. Each, though, would have the basics of helmet, shield, spear, and sword. Most a chest plate, greaves on the lower legs, and a guard for the right arm and hand. Rhaetians helmets are made of iron and trimmed with bronze in a variety of designs. The most popular cover the whole of the head, leaving only the eyes, nose, and mouth clear. Helmets are surmounted by a crest of dyed horse-hair. Body-armour is of a similar iron construction and bronze trim for those who can afford it, typically in the form of a muscled cuirass, shoulder plates, and Leg, arm, hand and foot guards were more common among wealthier soldiers. The principal armament is a round shield, which had a convex shape and could be up to a metre across, comprised a core formed of wooden strips covered by an outer plate of bronze. Weighing perhaps 7 kilos, the shield was held using an arm-band combined with a hand-grip. The main weapon carried by the militia is a thrusting-spear between 2 and 3m in length, with a long, leaf-shaped iron blade at the top, and a spiked iron butt at the bottom. A secondary armament is a curved scimitar slashing sword. The Golden Band cavalry are the elite arm of the Rhaetian army, and are regarded as some of finest quality cavalry in the world. Along with quick light cavalry contingents, the Golden Band — raised from the sons of wealthy citizens — made up the bulk of the Rhaetian heavy cavalry. Eastern Rahetia is good horse-rearing country and cavalry has been prominent in Rhaetian armies from early times. The primary weapon used by Rhaetian cavalry is a lance, pair of javelins, scimitar, and gold banded oval shield. Rhaetians are most well known, however, for their mounted archers. Fast moving, lightly armed, and carrying a powerful recurve bow, they are capable of cutting larger cavalry and infantry units to pieces at range. These horseman are drawn from the families of the eastern prairie, all of them having grown up from a young age riding horseback. Mounted archery is a way of life in this region and the skill set is well known by all who have faced Rhaetian armies. The Rhaetian siege train is second to none and boasts races from all over the known world who have come to Rhaetia seeking its liberal laws and open minded approach to all folk. This had attracted numerous intelligent minds who bring the knowledge of their people with them. Even the massive walls of Arkronia would sit up and take notice should the Rhaetians come a knocking. [color=DarkMagenta][b]Territory:[/b][/color] See the map [color=DarkMagenta][b]Factions:[/b][/color] Pro-Crown Pro-Independence [color=DarkMagenta][b]Characters:[/b][/color] [hider=First Consul Kohu Dosit] [b]Name:[/b] Kohu Dosit [b]Age:[/b] 55 [b]Term:[/b] Kohu is entering the second year of his two year term as First Consul. [b]Description:[/b] Kohu is of average build and appearance for a Ruline, standing just under six feet with a slim but muscular build common among his race. As a sign of his office, his hair is pulled back tightly in a ponytail and fixed with a golden broach. His tusks are likewise capped with the gold and a golden medallion inlaid with a a star of purple diamonds marks him as the First Consul. [b]Family:[/b] Kohu has one wife, several mistresses, and three children, all of whom are quickly approaching their early twenties. [b]Wealth:[/b] Kohu made his money in wine production and owns one of the largest southern vineyards. [b]Faction:[/b] He has walked a difficult line as demands for independence grow and weakness is seen in the Crown. [/hider] [hider=Senator Tul Bisner (Assassinated)] Leader of the Royalist Faction. Unique blue tinge to his skin; broad shoulders and a vicious scar down the left side of his face - dissecting one milky white eye - hints at his profession before entering politics. The male is a fierce Royalist and has led men into battle in the name of the King.[/hider] [hider=Senator Luunri Greanad] Leader of the Republican Faction. She was about shoulder height on Dosit, shorter than most Ruline, but all the more dangerous for it. Those who underestimates the slim, silver tusked female, does so at their own peril. She is the greatest threat to Rhaetian loyalty to the crown - a Ruline determined to chart her own destiny - and she makes no secret of her desire to see the influence of the crown curtailed.[/hider] [hider=Senator Sessi Dren] Leader of the Neutrals. Strong white teeth flash in a narrow face, canines tipped with silver. She is among those who belonged to the third faction in Rhaetia, the same faction Dosit comes from. Effectively considered neutral, they do not fall one way or the other among Royalist or Republican, but their numbers have been dwindling over as lines began to get drawn in the sand.[/hider]