Steppe Archer couldn't help but cringe at the sight of the quest detailing the slaying of roaches...after what had happened to the Guard lady she'd been adventuring with, she hated to think of one of her companions or herself contracting that disease as well. But thankfully, it seemed her companions weren't intent on doing that one, what with the question Big Red posed of whether they could take on two quests nearby. She had a feeling he meant the Goblin Nest extermination as well as the escort mission; It sounded like a good enough idea. And they'd net over 100 copper each if they managed to complete both. Even more if they found the adventure party that had departed before. Still, she had to wonder what happened to them...were goblins such a huge threat out here? She'd heard they were tricky, and liked to gang up on stronger people to take them down fast but...she figured adventurers were tougher. Still, it was an opportunity to earn a huge sum of long as they dealt with the goblins. The escort sounded simple. Smiling, Steppe Archer would give the Druid Girl a smile, saying: [color=CC6633][b]"An escort sounds super simple. Plus with the three of us, we're covered for basically anything. We have my bow, your magic, and Big Red's strength!"[/b][/color] The girl was fairly confident they could manage. But, she would quickly add: [color=CC6633][b]"If we're going to take on that goblin quest while we're there though, we should bring things to heal ourselves with. After all, goblins don't fight fair."[/b][/color]