[center][img]https://i.gifer.com/XN9n.gif[/img][/center] [center][hider=Instagram Post] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dNDi3AN.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider][/center] [hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200219/8cb4d6200086cd21b9afacaae15f4940.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=gray] [indent]Cass was tired to say the least, throwing her phone and [i]Macbeth[/i] onto the bed before flopping onto it, her hair a mess. Her back ached from having hunched over the book at the nearby coffee shop and she quickly stretched it out before taking a deep breath and launching herself from the bed in the direction of her coffee machine. Before long she had put in a Keurig pod, the small room was smelling of coffee and she had placed a nice Sinatra record on her turntable. Cass hummed under her breath as she sipped on her black coffee and began to rearrange her record collection...for the third time that day. God, was she a boring person. Cass chuckled sourly to herself before she continued to gingerly sort her beloved collection. By the time she was done arranging her record collection (this time by color) and consumed a total of 3 mugs of coffee, Cass was dead tire. She risked a glance at her watch and groaned when she realized that it was way past dinner time. Her stomach grumbled and Cass reached over to her phone, which was blowing up with Instagram notifications from everyone attending the fair. Of course, she didn't want to go, not today. She was tired and she had just dealt with another screaming match with her brother on the phone. She definitely wasn't in the greatest state to paste on a smile and act sensibly at a school event. But...Cass scrolled down to a picture of what she could discern as candy floss through her cracked phone screen and her stomach grumbled once more. Fine. She walked over to her mirror, redoing her eyeliner, swiping on some red lipstick and grabbing a knit cardigan before pulling her greasy hair up into a bun. There. She looked somewhat presentable. Cass grabbed her bag and was almost out the door before she doubled back to the mirror. Who was she kidding? Looking presentable was important. She couldn't dress like she had [i]back then[/i] and risk getting made fun of again, no matter how old she was now. Cass sighed before she carefully braided her hair and twisted it up into an elaborate bun, grabbing a pair of gold triangle earrings that she carefully poked through her closed up ear lobes and changing into a skirt that whispered scratchily against her thighs. A spray of perfume that Cass coughed on and she was ready...again. She ditched the cardigan and grabbed her leather jacket before she left. At least she could look a bit like herself. By the time Cass had walked herself over to the fair she was feeling out of it. The masses of people, the fake smiles and laughs. She was done with it all. But still the scent of pretzels in the air and spun sugar pushed her forward to the entrance where most people were crowded around. What was going on? As she walked up to it the people around her turned to look at her and whisper. What the hell was this? Cass walked up to the board only to get an eyeful of both her own face but also her friends and a bunch of other people that she didn't really know. [h3][b]"THE REJECT"[/b][/h3] Was written under her picture. She breathed through her nostrils and stepped back. Someone knew. Someone knew about her backstory, something that she'd kept under wraps for so long. And now it was up here for everyone to see. Cass shook her head, her fingers trembling as she slipped her phone out of her pocket and wrote a message to her friends. They had to see this because they were up there with everyone else. And she didn't know if it meant the same to them but she always knew when someone was out for her. And here it was. The tell tale sign. [center]* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fuMnRGm.jpg[/img][/center] [center]* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [/center] [/indent][/color]