[hr][hr][center][h1][color=Orange]Fae Mintfree[/color][/h1][img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/gfTsImGj2fDZGDFl50/source.gif[/img][hr] [color=orange][b]Location:[/b][/color] Train Hallway [color=orange][b]Skills: [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr] Fae gave a small nod, acknowledging the existence of the letters that Maddy had sent her. She had received them, and had replied to one or two of them, but she hadn't been able to write back more than that, a fact she couldn't help but feel guilty about. Partially, as she said, because of a lack of time, but also because of cost. Parchment wasn't cheap, and all the ink they kept around their shabby little shack was used solely for bookkeeping of her father's business. But her family's financial status wasn't something that she much liked to talk about, so she let the topic rest with only the answer of her busyness. A small chuckle slipped past her lips as she heard Elizabeth protestations. [color=orange]"'Course, my apologies. You're one of the [i]fun[/i] ones,"[/color] Fae corrected, knowing that the revised compliment would be more in the mischievous girl's taste. Her lips turned into a small frown, hearing that her voice had been brought down to its normal volume. The disappointment didn't last long, however, as she immediately turned her head back to Maddy, a grin perched back on her lips. [color=orange]"Oh, no need to feel guilty, I'm just fuckin' with ya. I'm a big girl, I can handle myself. It's everyone else that should be worried!"[/color] Fae's tone was joking and full of amusement, though that wavered slightly when Flame suggested that they spend a little time together. Fae loved the two girls with all her heart, but part of her was worried they might not end up feeling the same way about one another. Madalyne's restraint paired with Elizabeth's abandon wouldn't necessarily make for a good combination. But then again, if Maddy could handle Fae's recklessness, perhaps she'd get along with Flame swimmingly. With that thought, Fae nodded her head. [color=orange]"Sounds like a fun time if I've ever heard one,"[/color] she said, before twisting her neck to look at the trolley witch still making her way down the hall. [color=orange]"I know she told us to go back to our original compartments, but there's no better bonding activity than watching a bunch of geeks play Exploding Snap, so I say we stay on Plan A."[/color]