[i]In this world filled with magic, there are many magical academies. They are synonymous with pride, legacy, excellence and most kids dream of joining one, dreams that rarely come true as these elite institutions don't just accept anyone into their ranks. Well... most of them.[/i] [hr] [center][color=00a99d][h2][u]Surviving in a D-Tier Magical Academy[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [hr] Fae Creek Academy is an institution that is open to pretty much anyone. This is not born from an ideal of inclusivity or any noble philosophy, it's just a very sad mix of desperation, carelessness, and greed. See, Fae Creek City (it's more of a village really), or as many nicknamed it, Faker City, is in the purlieu of the empire, in the western frontier of the known world to be exact, and things such as "law" and "government inspections" aren't very common around there. In fact, Fae Creek City mostly survives on contraband and weird products coming from the wilderness beyond the sunset. In such a situation, Fae Creek's Magical Academy is very much free to do whatever it wants. Dubious teachers, dangerous experiments, risky expeditions, and a high fatality rate (thankfully they also have white mages ready to pick whatever is left for resurrection spells, they don't allow students to just die, not before they pay their loans). Of course, this paints a bad picture of the academy, many ask "why would you ever go study there?". The answer to that is because, again, they accept anyone. There are no background checks to see if the person isn't a spy or delving into dark arts, the entrance test is as easy as writing your name and even people who fail at that can get in since the staff can be bribed with pocket change. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/m79xKIH.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b][u]The RP[/u][/b] It is yet another take on the concept of magical schools, I know, it's super rare to see one of these. But its a more comedic and casual take on the concept. Players are free to actually explore magic and get wild, they won't be given a small list of magic types and elements to pick from or have to follow countless rules on what they can do to keep things balanced. There will be non-mandatory classes, school trips, assignments and all sorts of school events, but also a lot of downtime for people to do as they wish. Everyone has their personal objectives and the story will adapt to those while throwing all sorts of obstacles in the way. [b]The Characters[/b] Many character types will feel at home in the run-down, corrupt institution know as Fae Creek Academy. Rich kids who just need that magician diploma, distracted witches prone to causing accidents, people whose magical powers are naturally chaotic, mad inventors who cannot do what they want to do in any respectable place and, perhaps the most unfortunate types, kids who are putting some honest effort into it but are born with very low affinity to magic. Age range would be 15-19 but there are some sad cases of people still stuck in there well into their 20s [u]The tone of the RP[/u] As the plot hook implies, a lot of things go wrong in Fae Creek. It wouldn't be out there for some students to die, multiple times even. However, to keep with the light tone of the RP and avoid moving into the macabre, these things will follow something close to cartoon logic/cartoon violence instead of realistic stuff. For a player who doesn't want silly/quirky characters, going for a straight-man archetype who either ignores or calls out the stupidity around them is fine. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oSnjLGt.png[/img][/center] [hr] [b][u]Quick World-building Info[/u][/b] [hider=World, Tech Level, and Countries] The World this RP set in is a fully fantastic one, it is not even a globe. It's mostly composed of islands and small continents. The "center" of the world is a relatively tame area, but the farther you go from it, towards any cardinal direction, the more wild and weird things become. The technology level is similar to a late-19 century or pre-WW1 20th century, but only a handful of areas have industries, most of the world is rural land or wilderness. Still, it's not uncommon to see airships, electricity or newspapers. Fae Creek is part of the Imperial Federation. It's similar to the Holy Roman Empire, composed of many half-independent smaller nations that range from republics to monarchies, oligarchies, theocracies, and tribes. Its scale, however, is more akin to the British Empire, with a wide variety of species and cultures from all corners of the world being part of it. Its the largest political entity in the known world, though there exist many other countries that are not part of the empire. Relationships vary widely but imperials tend to be snobbish to foreigners and foreigners tend to be snobbish to imperials. Beyond the known world, there is the wilderness. All sorts of people live in there, from colonists to natives, who live in societies that range from small tribes to large kingdoms, all hidden in the depths of the thick magical forests, tall dragon infested mountains, cold glaciers and scorching deserts of the frontiers. [/hider] [hider=Fae Creek City and local geography] [img]https://i.imgur.com/JRaDxXch.jpg?1[/img] Once a land of promise, now just a useful naval and airship port to all sort of dubious scum. Its location in the far western frontier of the empire is not only useful for the lack of law enforcement but also for its proximity to a heavily magical uncharted land. The Fae Frontier, as it is often nicknamed, is a mix of swamps and forests that are a great source of all sorts of magical materials, though also extremely dangerous to most, especially the non-magical. [/hider] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yJ7ZbWM.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]The Academy[/u][/b] Fae Creek Academy's installations are impressively large and modern. Originally founded by the Society for the Exploration of Western Wilds and the Fae Frontier along with the Rose Shield Knights it was an extremely expensive project, as seen in its architecture following the latest trends of the Empire. From the start it suffered from excessive costs, the public questioning if the extravagance was justified, delays and corruption. Originally it was meant to be an academy specialized in the exploration of natural magic, fae, and other mythical creatures and unknown flora. This is easily seen in the thematic of the stained glass windows. However, as the burden grew, the funding was reduced, as such, it became an emergency project to convert the academy into a general magical academy. The plan stopped a total collapse but the result wasn't pretty, and it hasn't got any better in the following years. In terms of maintenance, some areas are left pristine while others are severely run down or outright abandoned. [hider=Facilities and services] [b]Facilities and services[/b] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ieqSxbx.jpg[/img][/center] [u]Classrooms and Studies[/u] The academy has a wide variety of tools and rooms for the study of magic: outside of its many auditorium-like classrooms, there is an observatory, a garden, an aquarium, many altars, countless classrooms and plenty of target practice areas. The quality of the tools is problematic, but you can buy better ones in the campus store. [u]Library[/u] There are some libraries, two exist most of the time, a third one had some issues with a few reality-bending books and are only around during Wednesdays. The librarian hasn't been seen in a long while, if you see him... run. [u]Dorms[/u] The academy does provide free dorms. Due to the academy not being initially planned as a massive school, the dormitories were made in adapted rooms spread across the facility and with different designs. They are coded with flower names such as cherry, magnolia, rose. They tend to be composed of 2-5 rooms shared by a few students (usually 2-4) that are then connected to a common living room, a shared bathroom, and sometimes a kitchen. There are a few dorms, however, that are far better than others, some going as far as having private one-person rooms with personal showers. There is little enforcement of people going to the right rooms (unless its the nice ones), and the curfew is a joke. The most crowded dorms tend to be chaotic. In the past, the rooms used to be segregated by gender, but after making a few mistakes the academy decided to solve the problem by making most dorms coed. The quality of the rooms is problematic, but you can pay for better installations and more privacy. (Officially, it's all randomly chosen, but donating money to the academy seems to lead to a lot of good karma) [u]Food[/u] While students can make their own food, there is a cafeteria with free lunch and dinner. Sometimes the food is passable, sometimes you have to eat it fast or else it might try to eat you instead. It sticks to the basics, no snacks or treats. The quality of the food is problematic, but you can pay for better food and snacks too. [u]Infirmary and Ressurection Pods[/u] The academy has a particularly robust infirmary room, a heritage from the original plans to make it a research center for wildlife. Staffed by white mages, they are often dealing with injured students. Those who are still alive or whose corpse is mostly intact can be treated quite quickly, those who completely lost their bodies however need to have their bodies rebuilt in special tube-like water pods. This service is actually pretty good but will be added to your student loan. The school does not give students anything once they are remade, not even a hospital gown, but there is a shop with clothes, backpacks and other basics in the infirmary. [/hider] [hider=Currently Occupied Dorms / Rooms] Dorm Geranium The fun fact about this dorm is that it is not actually a dorm per see, but a series of rooms around one of the central areas of the academy. This means no neighbors most of the time, which in Fae Creek is good, but also means smaller rooms with improper structure. [b]Room G - B3 [/b] Inhabitants: August Reagan Feier [hider=Visual Guide] Something of this vibe: [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/684250009449136152/685602424127488050/Decrepit_room_3.jpg[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/684250009449136152/685602394532216999/Decrepit_room_2.jpg[/img] [/hider] A basement under the pool area, while many rooms in the area are adapted machine rooms, B3 is not that, it is an actual, still active, machine room. The room is large, the staircases descend at its center creating something close to a wall separating it between a left side and a right side. It has small windows on the right side, with an underwater view of the fish tank and lotus garden. The room has plenty of chairs, tables and storage options, but its mostly abandoned furniture left there. For beds: three mattresses over metal frames, giving a real prison-like feeling. Feier's bed is suspiciously near the boiler. The bathroom is as bad as one expects, the original room was destroyed when expanding the gardens and never replaced, thankfully the nearest toilette is just up the staircase but for a shower there is only an old tub surrounded by a curtain connect to the left sides boiler, not even a room of its own, one might consider using the pool and gym's shower room instead. [b]Room G - T1[/b] Inhabitants: Daria, Helena, Yon [hider=Visual Guide] [img]https://cdn.inprnt.com/thumbs/90/7a/907ad6b8838f853aaff731df7d86cc93.jpg?response-cache-control=max-age=2628000[/img] [img]https://www.ft.com/__origami/service/image/v2/images/raw/http%3A%2F%2Fcom.ft.imagepublish.upp-prod-us.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fe08e5cae-5979-11e8-b8b2-d6ceb45fa9d0?fit=scale-down&source=next&width=700[/img] [/hider] A decrepit tower that was once a garden, connected to the facility. Glass wall and glass roof, its kept shaded by the plants that grow on it. The staircase is broken making access hard for anyone who isn't light or can make their own path. There are no divisions between each of the three beds outside of the planters. Thanks to the broken glass panes, the room can get awfully windy at times, especially when it rains. Birds also often try to make their nests there. The room lacks a bit when it comes to furniture, but its quality isn't too bad, the beds are nice. It has a service toilette room but no shower, for baths the inhabitants must either make do with the tower's water pool/tank or use the showers of the gym or a nearby dorm. [hr] Dorm Cherry Blossom One of the newer dorms of the facility, meaning proper planning and no glaring issues, it even has an elevator to access the upper room and all rooms have private bathrooms and kitchens. Of course, it is only accessible to those who pay more than others, though some say it is a special containment facility. [hider=Visual Style] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/3bbdf886-9cd1-4cff-a7b4-5ebcecd04b42/d425b9n-038e119b-d31f-476e-93dd-6e5401bc0dbf.jpg/v1/fill/w_1100,h_550,q_75,strp/mansion_yard_by_roseum_d425b9n-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTUwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvM2JiZGY4ODYtOWNkMS00Y2ZmLWE3YjQtNWViY2VjZDA0YjQyXC9kNDI1YjluLTAzOGUxMTliLWQzMWYtNDc2ZS05M2RkLTZlNTQwMWJjMGRiZi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTEwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.hTv9PsJtCi44P7UFE6vN7OBjf3W8nHXkOO_Q9jD04h4[/img] [/hider] [b]Room CB - 6[/b] Inhabitants: Kate, Alura, Jackie A very nice and comfortable room in the upper floors of the building, with a nice view to the rest of the school through its large clear glass windows. It is composed of the main room along with two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. It's one of what the students call "nice rooms", proper privacy, good quality of furniture, no need to worry about theft or kidnapping. There is very little to talk about. Except maybe that the glass is reinforced, all the sinks and drains come with grinders, the sprinklers have an 'exterminate' option and the door's lock feels like it is keeping others out as much as it is keeping them in, but it's not a basement or a barn. [hr] Dorm Rose One of the more crowded dorms, with many students living in it, but thanks to the action of "hall monitors" it is not as bad as the typical high capacity dorm. Located in the middle of an area of gardens, it is a pleasant location, their communal kitchen houses a pretty good irregular restaurant and tavern. [b]Room R - 17[/b] Inhabitants: AJ, Saint Gertrude [hider=Visual Guide] Just a very luxurious art noveau penthouse [img]https://www.smalldesignideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/13039404022145_w1920h1440.jpg[/img] [img]https://www.smalldesignideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Modern-Art-Nouveau2.jpg[/img] [/hider] At the very top of the dorm building, the penthouse is unlike anything in the rooms below, with a bathroom and a kitchen of its own and an outdoor area decorated with roses. The whole place is well kept and decorated, perhaps overly decorated, the room is garish in its excesses, from the frilly and overly decorated couches, pillows and beds to the aromatized magical candles and hot-tub like bathtub. Definitely not the room for any sort of person who values modesty or who wants to look though. [b]Room R - 2B[/b] Inhabitants: Adara, Leonhard [hider=Visual idea] Like the right corner of this, but mirrored (so two rooms, no kitchen/bathroom) [img]https://i.redd.it/jw3w58tp0u231.jpg[/img] [/hider] An attic over the kitchen which is surprisingly pleasant, despite the noise and the fact to get in you have to almost crawl. Made of a single room, the bedrooms are on the opposing sides of the building with nice soft beds, a bookshelf and wardrobe for storage and curtains for privacy when it is needed. There is a living area in the middle but it is really only meant for sleeping and resting, all else is in the communal areas. It has access to the machines and pipes used in the kitchen and shower rooms, which would make it easy to mess with those, but who would do that? [hr] Dorm Azalea Another crowded dorm and not a nice one. Not an actual autonomous anarchic location like Dorm Magnolia but up there. Built from an underground tunnel going under one of the large teaching areas, the rooms are spread out in a long and wide hallway, all sorts of irregular buildings such as shacks or black market stalls have been built by the students over the open space. Doors don't come with locks but it is wise to lock them nevertheless. The communal kitchen and bathrooms are as messy as one would expect. [hider=Visual Idea] Wide, underground tunnel. Fancy but decrepit. [img]https://images.gamewatcherstatic.com/screenshot/image/8/d9/291258/16513-1-1234758195.jpg[/img] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/saintsrow/images/1/1d/Old_Stilwater_-_Eads_N_Mitch%27s_Flowery_Garden.png/revision/latest?cb=20151102011821[/img] Shacks spread out like [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/e/e9/Rivet_City_Market.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150504000000[/img] [/hider] [b]Room A4[/b] Inhabitants: Sarah, Mela, Parr The original stone wall facing the hallway collapsed and was replaced by a wooden wall. The room features two bunk beds, a table and a crate with a lamp on it. It also has a window leading to just above a canal which could come handy should they need to escape. [b]Room A0[/b] Inhabitants: Aelich, Baron [hider=Visual Idea] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ZXunEhD.jpg[/img] but for two people. [/hider] Once the service room of the tunnel, this room is large and empty with more machines than furniture. Until recently it housed a lot of irregular shacks but was cleaned out, the students kicked out will most likely try to return once the dust settles. The bedroom area was built with wooden planks in the steel walkways above the open area and is really just two open spaces with a bed and wardrobe. [/hider] [hider=Code of Practice] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3iCg7Sm.jpg[/img][/center] There aren't many actual rules in the academy. You'd have to try to blow up the place to be expelled. Some teachers are stern and might want to punish certain students with little help from the school. Some teachers are mean and will pretend to punish shy or weak students just to get them to do chores for them. Overall, a few things are expected: - If you are doing something that might cause massive damage or summon large otherworldly creatures, please do it far from the main campus. There is plenty of space. - Try not to die too hard and too often. - Try to not murder your colleagues on purpose. - Try to stay at least a bit dressed if you are in the main halls. - Do not bring things into transformation classes that could potentially cause mix-ups. - If your colleague is petrified, transmogrified, absorbed into a painting/book, or eaten by some sort of wild beast or carnivorous plant, please try to keep track of where they are, what they are, and call for the staff. - If they happen to be reduced to tiny bits, ashes or a weird mush, see if its a safe location which won't spread them into the wind, if not, then try to gather as much of them as you can before seeking the staff. [/hider] [hider=Clubs and Societies] There is no official school clubs program, but clubs did form anyway in an irregular fashion. Particularly, the swimming club, the art club, and the book club are popular. Societies are a bit more 'edgy' but act similar to clubs. Magnolia Dorm's Chimera Society and the Exploration and Tresspassing society are two of the better knows. As much as societies like to pretend they are on the school's bad side, there have been more cases of clubs being repressed than societies. The DIY Club was cursed and sabotaged until dissolution as they competed with the academy's shops and the Photography club mysteriously vanished very recently, after deciding to shift into journalism. [/hider] [u][b]The Staff will be placed in the character tab.[/b][/u] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/sYPDCtK.png[/img] [hr] [u][b]Character Creation[/b][/u] You are allowed to make multiple characters. Students should be the focus but making Staff characters is possible. [u]Student Sheet[/u] You can change the formatting and add more information as you please. Just try to inform the requested info. [hider= Character Sheet]ᴘʀᴏꜰɪʟᴇ [quote][b]Name / Nickname: [/b]What is your character called? What do people call them? [b]Age:[/b] Optional [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Nationality:[/b] Characters can be from the Imperial Federation (where the academy is), Foreigners or from the Wilderness, the untamed lands in the frontier of the known world. Just saying which is fine but you can describe a bit of their homeland.[/quote] ᴘʜʏsɪᴄᴀʟ [quote][b]Appearance:[/b] Add as many pictures and text as you need [b]Species:[/b] You can be a lot of things, but if it isn't something well known like say (humans, elves, robots, bears) please add a little description of what the species is like. [b]Physical Abilities / Skills:[/b] Optional. Are they good swimmers? Are they fire-poof? Can they lift?[/quote] ᴍᴀɢɪᴄᴀʟ [quote][b]Magical Style:[/b] Your character can do a bit of everything, but this is their trademark. What is their approach to magic? Do they prefer wands? martial arts? songs? machines? Is there any type of magic they prefer over others like transmogrification or summoning? Would you describe them as something like a pyromancer, an alchemist, a shaman? [b]Magical Quirks:[/b] Optional. Are there any known magical anomaly to your character? Do they have reversed elemental energies which causes fire to be cold and ice to be hot? Are they cursed to become a Pomeranian every Saturday? [b]Magical Skills, Hobbies and Interests:[/b] [/quote] ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟ [quote][b]Why are they enrolled in Fae Creek Academy?:[/b] Where did it go wrong? Do they lack magical affinity? Is their magic naturally chaotic and prone to misfiring? Are they lazy? Delusional? Do they only care about some weird niche types of magical like summoning rodents? Have they been expelled from all other magical academies? [b]Personality:[/b] What are they like in general? Do they have ambitions? morals? [b]Backstory:[/b] Optional. When were their parents tragically killed? [b]General Skills, Hobbies and Interests:[/b][/quote][/hider] [u]Staff Sheet[/u] [hider= Character Sheet] [b]Name / Nickname:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] Optional [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Nationality:[/b] [b]Appearance / Species:[/b] [b]Magical Style and Knowledge:[/b] Optional [b]Job Info:[/b] Are they a teacher? If so, what do they teach? Are they a janitor? A guard? A white mage/nurse? What do they do? [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Backstory:[/b] Optional [/hider]