Jinny looked at the strange man, feeling much more calm that he'd removed the scary mask and revealed that he was, in fact, human. Though, she did wonder what happened to his eye. She tried not to stare. Daddy said that was rude. She listened to what he was saying, very carefully. There were two choices, far harder than anything she'd ever had to think about. Her father was a policeman. She knew that much. She knew how to call 911 and her own address, too. Unfortunately, there had not been time to get to the phone. But to go with another family? What if the scary ladies wanted to come back for her? Would they... would they send that family to heaven as well? Would they always follow her, no matter what? She couldn't stand that thought. No one else should be in trouble because of her. "Mister, I... I'm scared of the ladies. I think they are going to come back and find me. I don't want anyone else to get hurt." She looked down, very saddened for a moment. "I think I would like to go with you. You look really strong, like Daddy and Okaa-san... Maybe you can send them away and I can be safe." The child looked up at him, the faintest glimmer of hope lighting in her dark eyes. "If you promise to protect me from the scary ladies, then I will go with you."