[hider=MP-6736-OPEN] [centre][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/ad3f29f5-d4fa-409b-8581-145d2cae8e1c/ddrcujm-d3d730ab-82fd-4749-92ef-3b450c9c93e5.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2FkM2YyOWY1LWQ0ZmEtNDA5Yi04NTgxLTE0NWQyY2FlOGUxY1wvZGRyY3VqbS1kM2Q3MzBhYi04MmZkLTQ3NDktOTJlZi0zYjQ1MGM5YzkzZTUucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.qs9_slqYwsd_rYryEiSQG5E9z9KYTFFtWVZftdeHgFw[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Oftobi Porter Eleutherius Nears [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]ID Number:[/b] MP-6736-OPEN [b]Nationality:[/b] Tajik-English [/centre] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Overall, subject MP-6736-OPEN does not bear any particularly notable features. Physically, the subject is fairly small -although not unusually so for his ethnicity- measuring in at 167cm, with a light build and weight of 47kgs, such that the provided grey shirt and trousers fit him loosely. Skin and hair are both brown, while the subject's eyes are deep, dark grey in colour. The remaining facial features are prominently Persian in shape and structure. Even MP-6736-OPEN's presence is small and meek due to his nervous nature. Subject appears to do this deliberately, perhaps as some sort of defense mechanism in attempts to hide from the horrors which follow him. In addition, whether due to the aforementioned anxiety or the sedatives distributed to him, the subject appears very unkempt at all times, bearing bags beneath his eyes and unshaven stubble upon his jawline. [NOTE: In addition to the regulation male clothing, subject MP-6736-OPEN is provided with a hooded sweatshirt as one of his privileges.] [/indent] [b]Background:[/b] [indent]Originally, MP-6736-OPEN was entirely unspectacular. Pertinent records indicate the subject as having been born in Tajikistan on [VOID] to parents [VOID] [Tajik] and [VOID] Nears [English]. There are no indications that MP-6736-OPEN could have been considered in any way anomalous during his early developmental years. However, [VOID] began to display increasing levels of unusual behaviour. She was later found performing a [VOID] cult ritual over a young MB-6737-OPEN. [VOID] immediately filed for divorce and relocated himself and the subject to England. Everything appeared to be in standard order from that point on, however the subject became increasingly timorous and reclusive. It is suspected that at this point he was already experiencing the anomalies. MB-6737-OPEN’s status was further disrupted upon [VOID]’s remarriage, as he was reported to have been at odds with his stepmother. It was in the midst of an altercation between the two that the incident occured. Anomalous Containment staff arrived on the scene to find the subject [VOID], and the home in mayhem. Subject was ultimately incapacitated and immediately brought to Facility B for containment. No further incidents have occurred to that degree while in the facility, as result of the recommended sedation procedures. [/indent] [b]Powers:[/b] [indent]On the subject of powers, MP-6736-OPEN does not, by definition, possess any to speak of. Rather, what qualifies him as an anomalous individual is his inexplicable connection to something entirely other. This "otherness" manifests in the form of cracks which radiate from the subject into the environment around him outside of his control when under duress, although these cracks do not appear to affect the stability of the surfaces which they cross. Instead, they seem to be gaps in [VOID], through which can be seen glimpses of incomprehensible [VOID] lusus naturae. It appears as though gazing directly at these entities may induce insanity in some individuals in direct proportion to the percentage and duration of entity seen. Careful study suggests that subject MP-6736-OPEN serves as some sort of conduit for the [VOID] beings which is needed in order to allow them through to our side of [VOID]. As such, these too are not in any way found to be under his control. Perhaps even more strangely, the subject does not describe these entities as seeking egress from the cracks, but rather as trying to break in "from the outside". MP-6736-OPEN has claimed that he can hear them whispering to him and k̈no̔c͓k̘ K̼̩ń̋O̮ͦC̾͋k̔̓ Ǩ̜N̠ͪͩÖ̮̪Ć̠Kͧing on the walls even when cracks are not present -although when they are, the sounds apparently grow more frequent and aggressive. [NOTE: Witnesses have indicated that in some instances they, too, are able to hear whispers. These, however, are reported to emanate from the cracks themselves.] Emission of the cracks appears to be directly related to the subject’s emotional state. It is imperative that he not be permitted to reach extreme levels of emotion, lest the cracks become large and rampant enough to allow through the [V̈́O͆I̫D̉]. Experiments to the contrary have proven [O͔P̟E͚Nͬ], and control could not be maintained. Lesser levels of ingress are more manageable, as the [O͊͂̋P̝̠̚Ḛ̥̈́N͋͌̿] limbs can be assaulted specifically, although they are seemingly [O̳̊P̃ͫE̱̦ͅN̬͔̉]. Nevertheless, they will protect the subject from infliction of damage, which renders subjugation post-outburst quite difficult. Recommended methods to do so are by small, ranged projectiles. More highly recommended, however, is to not allow the situation to degrade to such a degree. [/indent] [b]Privileges:[/b] [indent][list][*]Over-sized gray hooded sweatshirt. [*]Portable music player. [*]Entertainment center. [*]Notebook and pen. [Subject may suddenly scrawl strange things on the walls if not supplied] [/list][/indent] [centre][SECURITY NOTE: MAINTAIN CAREFUL OBSERVATION OF SUBJECT MP-6736-O̸̧̎̃͜P̩̮ͩ͛E̶̹̤̭͙Ñ̴̃ͧ͂ FOR SIGNS OF LUCIDITY OR DISTRESS. SEDATE IMMEDIATELY.][/centre] [/hider]