Winter trembled as she saw Riley's corpse laying on the ground. Both his arms were cut open, as well as his mouth and neck. Winter ran upstairs and grabbed sewing supplies and then went to the kitchen to grab preserving materials. She then grabbed a knife and went to Riley's corpse. She gently propped the body against the wall. Winter carefully carved into Riley's torso. Starting at both of Riley's shoulders and then having both converge at the center of his chest. She gently dragged the knife down his chest more and stopped once the blade of the knife touched his pants. Winter carefully started to take out Riley's internal organs. She carefully preserved Riley's heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys, liver and intestines. She started to stitch up the cuts she gave Riley before stitching up all the cuts on his arms. "You got yourself into a hell of a fight... but don't worry because Winter is here to make you all better," Winter said, speaking as though he was still alive. She hummed a melody while stitching up his neck and stitching the cuts on his mouth. She smiled softly before noticing the fact that one of Riley's eyes were missing. Her expression shifted before speaking to him again as if he was alive, "Now, now... we'll have to fix this... I'll be right back, Riley." Winter went upstairs and came down with two buttons that matched Riley's eye color. "I might as well have your eyes match, right?" she calmly asked the corpse. When smiled and sewed in a lovely pair of button eyes. She smiled softly and gently wrapped the doll of Riley's corpse into a hug. The doll gently hugged back. She's carefully got up, still holding onto the doll. She then heard a soft whisper in her ear, "Thank you Winter..." She carefully made her way upstairs, still holding onto the doll. Winter went to the bedroom and laid the Riley doll down on the bed. "I'll be back, I just need to clean up downstairs," she said calmly. It was as though Riley never died. She knew his spirit was within the doll body. She walked downstairs and cleaned up the mess. She calmly placed the preserved internal organs up in the cabinets. Soon the downstairs was spotless. Winter went back upstairs and went into the bedroom. She laid down next to the doll and dozed off, smiling softly. She could feel Riley's button eyes staring at her. She didn't react too crazily to knowing he was watching her in her sleep. She knew he couldn't sleep with this new doll body she gave him.