[b]Kathelia![/b] "Blah blah blah blah [i]blah![/i]" Eupheria rolls her swirling eyes, which have a wicked gleam to them. "Oh, I'm sure you know [i]all[/i] about my pain, Kathhhhie. After all, family drama's totally comparable to being trapped alone in a dungeon dimension for who even knows how long, abandoned by everyone you thought cared about you, forgotten and left to rot!" She snickers, nastily, and all around you comes the echo of the spriggans, until it's like you're in a cage made out of mockery. Everyone's looking at you. You're [i]so[/i] stupid, four-eyes. "And why would I put everything back? That's like scraping paint off the canvas! No, we'll have plenty of [i]remixes[/i] instead. You think this is the only spin we're going to do on the wheel? You think this is the only penalty you're going to endure? We have all the time in the world together!" She giggles and kicks her feet. "We're going to become best friends, one way or another, Kathhhhhie!" What? She... no! No, she can't be planning that! It's impossible to say which is more terrifying: the thought that she might "reset" you whenever she wants to change you, or the thought that she might not. If you and your friends don't figure out a way to stop her, you're going to end up being her dolls for the rest of forever. "Now, I think it's just about time for the games to start!" Where they not already? Euphie slips through one of the holes in the net, briefly becoming long and skinny and bendy, before bouncing back to her full height towering over you. She taps you on the shoulder with one hand, and when you glance over despite yourself, grabs your underwear and-- hey--!! The spriggans gather around you, cackling, as you dangle from the wedgie emerging from your overalls. Even though they don't have eyes, it's impossible to shake the feeling that they're getting an eyeful of your Sparkle Unicorn Pegasus panties. (The Sparkle Unicorns have little hearts on their butts.) You swing helplessly from the impossibly stretchy fabric as Eupheria carries you off, laughing and telling you how much [i]fun[/i] you're going to have exercising for once in your life! *** [b]Adila![/b] [i]Yes, yes.[/i] You can [i]feel[/i] the mental sigh running through your body. [i]You're good at ball. Congratulations.[/i] Bouyed by this approval, you bounce merrily out into a tent! There's grass underneath your claws (paws?) and lots of dainty little chairs surrounding dainty tables with dainty plates piled with the dantiest little sandwiches, with dainty teacups by them. It's perfectly sized for... maybe Alina? She'd be perfectly at home here, sipping tea with her pinky extended. You, on the other hand, manage to knock over a table, and then back into another table, causing Eska to scoff at you. ...Eska!!! She looks very pale, almost shiny, and her fingers are segmented. She's smiling a lot! She must be soooooo happy to see you. And dangling from a hook on one of the central poles hanging up the tent is Kazelia, pouting with her arms crossed as... oof, that can't be comfortable. How did Eupheria even get them out through her overalls?? It looks like King Isolde is here, too, though at first glance you almost think she's Eupheria. It's only the eyes and the lack of the Caduceus that still give her away. She looks [i]miserable[/i], sitting alone at her own table, staring off at nothing. You know what she needs? She needs a puppy's head in her lap and comforting whufs. [i]No. Go talk to Eska.[/i] Isolde needs puppy! [i]Talk. To. Eska.[/i] ...needs puppy!!! *** [b]Mittens![/b] At first you think you're hallucinating the bells. They segue so nicely into daydreaming about being pampered by dancing-girls, who stroke your cheeks and scritch your ears and wiggle so enticingly on your lap. Yessss. You're one of the Queens who conquered Jedad, and you're being entertained by your new subjects, and they leave lipstick marks all over your fur... yes, yes, yes! You can hear the silken whisper of the veils, the huff of their breath as they dance, and you squirm on the ground like it's really one of your harem girls you're pressing yourself up against. Mittens is loved! Mittens loves she dancers!! Then comes the snip, snip, snip of shears, cutting through the webs, and you whine into the snakerchief as you're pulled out of your so comfortable cocoon. "Oh... my... [i]whiskers[/i]," comes the most breathy, alluring voice you've ever heard in your life. You turn around and see... oh, it is a dancer! A dancer with a soft, wispy veil, and a coin-lined sash, and black curly hair spilling down her shoulders, with her little kitten ears poking out from the enticing mane. She presses her body up against you, and hugs you so tightly, almost as tightly as your nice snug cocoon. "Alina, [i]darling[/i], I was so worried, you-- eeeep!!" She giggles as you squeeze she soooooo badonkadonk butt and rub your face up against her, marking your territory with wubs, your silly tail wagging from side to side. Behind her, you vaguely notice, is a knot of wriggling, writhing snakes trying to get themselves untied. She lifts her veil and leans in to kiss you silly, and you tug her back down into the ruins of the cocoon, tangling your paws in her hair and rubbing at her ears while purring so loud, it fills the whole room, or at least your twitching, delighted ears.