[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/60169326-d55e-4adf-8f6d-dfd795abf6f2.png[/img][/center][hr] [color=8585ad]"Eric, for your own sake, don't tell me to go around exacting revenge,"[/color] Max muttered as an empty threat as he stared at the sign. [color=8585ad]"There's cardinal directions marked on the top of the sign, so I think a compass to clock analogy was probably the intent. Then again, Professor Hot Wheels does seem to love fucking with me..."[/color] This was so stupid. How far apart even were the signs? How long did he need to wander before he'd figure out he went the wrong way? Whatever, he was wasting time sitting here, and he doubted some epiphany would strike either of them anytime soon. [color=8585ad]"If I turned around, that'd only be noon to six. So... you're useless. We're going north."[/color] Figures Eris wasn't any good at riddles, despite vampires' insistence on always talking in them. This became significantly less fun very fast. Then again, if Eris wasn't going to be any help, Max really didn't have much of an incentive to treat him nicely. Decisions, decisions. He glanced up at the sign for confirmation and trudged off, yanking his arm to drag Eris along with him. [color=8585ad]"Stay close if you don't wanna trip."[/color] To his credit, Max stepped a bit more heavyset than he normally would to give Eris some auditory clues on where he was going. The less magic he had to waste tugging him around, the better. Best case scenario, a vampire with a competent mage steps into range of his magic field and he can tail them back to the finish line. Worst case? He's gonna have to start walking Eris into trees to keep himself entertained while they wait for the time limit to expire. [hr][@Hero]