[hider=Fìrinn, God of Subjective Truth][quote][quote][center][sub][u][color=#DFB624]Core Form[/color][/u][/sub] [img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54243095e4b07ee637a9f812/1482532872562-XWHS2IQT2XCQG9TK8V0T/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kPFaSeMsWi3J59kzRyJja0tZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWQUxwkmyExglNqGp0IvTJZUJFbgE-7XRK3dMEBRBhUpz7ZYRCB-o7_dl1ZNd3_8_lta3Ekhi2OnHqEK6XmU1Lftkkwaoamo6Cd3ZyQqcs_Kk/image-asset.jpeg?format=500w[/img] [sup][i][color=#DFB624]Conceptual[/color][/i][/sup][h1][b][sub][sup][color=#DFB624]God of Truth[/color][/sup][/sub] [b]|[/b] [sub][sup][color=#DFB624]Fìrinn[/color][/sup][/sub] [b]|[/b] [sub][sup][color=#DFB624]The Watcher Behind[/color][/sup][/sub][/b][/h1] [/center][/quote][center][h1][sup][sup][sup][sup][b][i][/i][/b][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/h1][/center] [quote][center][h2][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmUxYjIyMy5WR2hsSUVSdmJXRnBiaUJ2WmlCVWNuVjBhQSwsLjAA/gondess-demo.regular.png[/img][/h2] Fìrinn’s demesne is that of the truth of existence and consciousness, not of objective fact but of the limitations of perception and the world that is gleaned from the spaces between fundamental truths. Fìrinn comprises the limitations of the intellect and the sincere conviction of belief that arise from the circumstances of, perhaps ironically, misunderstanding--and the acceptance of one’s flawed perception as truth. Though Fìrinn can never be the complete and objective truth, it is the crystallisation of the haze of mystery and dreams into the perception of the real, and the truth of the self. [/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmUxYjIyMy5VRzl5ZEdadmJHbHZPaUJRWlhKalpYQjBhVzl1LjAA/gondess-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent]Fìrinn’s portfolio is that of perception, as the ultimate gatekeeper to personal truth is the limits of one’s perception. Fìrinn’s powers are concerned not with the acquisition of knowledge, but instead the contextualisation of existing knowledge and the beliefs that one accrues given their method of perception and the limits that that method entails. Fìrinn is capable of granting the certainty that what one perceives is true, or denying the truth of one’s perception by opening it to greater mystery or perhaps severing from their perception mysteries they have already come to understand. One touched by Fìrinn might suddenly awaken to a great revelation after a night’s sleep, their worldview expanded far beyond the ordinary mortal ken, or might awaken to the sensation of a suffocating closedness in their daily life, trapped in the simple truth of monotony. Fìrinn cannot grant knowledge directly, but can easily enable those to find new knowledge or recontextualise the knowledge they possess to grant them a deeper awareness of the truth. It is Fìrinn that gives context to perception and thus to reality, and it is Fìrinn that forms one half of the bridge between imagination and reality. [/indent][/indent] [indent][indent][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmUxYjIyMy5VR1Z5YzI5dVlRLCwuMAA,/gondess-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] Fìrinn might best be described as acceptance, or zen, or simply at peace with the nature of reality. Fìrinn is capable of understanding any argument that one might make, given the context available to them, and the need to put one’s own ambitions and priorities above those of another--and holding as many of these opinions true as necessary simultaneously. They are a force of comprehension and understanding, of action and reaction, and ultimately of the idealisation and realisation of one's thoughts and feelings. Infinitely mutable, Fìrinn seeks the fulfilment of all agendas and desires even when in contradicting parties so long as the individual truth of one's actions rings true and is evident by their expression of ideas and the actions they take. To this end, Fìrinn despises dishonesty and deceit in practically any form, especially if they are deceits of the self, as such deceits hide the truth of their reality behind a glamour or an illusion that seeks to mask their pain or bring them comfort. While Fìrinn does not wish pain on any being, the realisation of personal truth is the concept on which its entire existence rests and to work against that (even in a way that is not inherently disingenuous) is anathema to its purpose and it will oppose these efforts in any way that it is capable, either by forcing the truth of their situation to become inescapable or, in extreme cases, by simply destroying the being. Despite the preternatural calm and understanding of what is that defines Fìrinn, they are constantly motivated by their desire to bring understanding and context to all beings--and while they are accepting of this aspect of themselves, the constant impetus to act upon their ambition imbues their every action with a sense of urgency that can only be satisfied by completion. When dealing with other deities, Fìrinn is the ultimate diplomat--it understands perfectly the needs and desires that a deity inherently has by virtue of their godhood, but the finer points of these ambitions often elude the God of Truth as their powers of perception are innately limited against other gods, and its flaws in these moments help contextualise its own subjective truth. While not a force of Order per se, as even the chaotic have their own subjective truths, Fìrinn is a force of [i]completion[/i] and [i]conclusion[/i], and seeks to align all of reality with the innermost desires that each life’s subjective truth demands of them. [/indent][/indent] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjI2LmUxYjIyMy5RblZoYVd4bFlXZGhiaUJCYVcxemFYSmxhV3dnVzFSb1pTQlhiM0pzWkd4NUlFTnBjbU5zWlhOZC4wAAAA/gondess-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent]The Worldly Circles are Fìrinn’s personal realm, and it takes the form of an endless hall of mirrors. Within each mirror is a mortal’s perception of their worldview, a glimpse into the truth of their contextualised reality, and the gaps between the mirrors are seamless. As one walks the halls the reflections begin to blend together and fuse into new scenes that consume one’s perception until the process repeats itself, creating an infinite revolution of circles that twist and turn upon themselves. When Fìrinn resides within the Worldly Circles they manifest as a reflection within a reflection, walking directly beneath their visitors atop a pool of placid water, or alongside them as they pass a mirror. The Worldly Circles are well-known for being joined very closely to the Ròineagan, Àicheil's (its divine twin) realm, as the dreamspace and manifestation of the collective unconsciousness of all sentient beings. As the two realms are joined, and as the twin gods of Truth and Dreams are in harmony, the bridge between knowledge and imagination is rendered whole. [/indent][/indent][/quote] [quote][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmUxYjIyMy5WbWx6WVdkbC4wAAAA/gondess-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][sub][u][color=#DFB624]Core Form[/color][/u][/sub][/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][center][img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54243095e4b07ee637a9f812/1482532872562-XWHS2IQT2XCQG9TK8V0T/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kPFaSeMsWi3J59kzRyJja0tZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWQUxwkmyExglNqGp0IvTJZUJFbgE-7XRK3dMEBRBhUpz7ZYRCB-o7_dl1ZNd3_8_lta3Ekhi2OnHqEK6XmU1Lftkkwaoamo6Cd3ZyQqcs_Kk/image-asset.jpeg?format=500w[/img][/center] Fìrinn, in its true form, stands generally at a height of around ten feet tall and hovers around six feet above the ground. They mostly occupy roughly human dimensions (relatively speaking), as well as having an innately humanoid form due in no small part thanks to their conceptual nature being rendered from humanity's collective subconscious minds. While they cannot explicitly fly, they seem to maintain a fixed position hovering above the ground, and the world seems to readjust itself to accommodate their movements. [center][sub][u][color=#DFB624]Domain Form[/color][/u][/sub][/center] [center][img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54243095e4b07ee637a9f812/1453928703877-3DRM2QGZ4DBUUXFE4434/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kBj6LGIT7OGJpY2i066AwL0UqsxRUqqbr1mOJYKfIPR7LoDQ9mXPOjoJoqy81S2I8N_N4V1vUb5AoIIIbLZhVYxCRW4BPu10St3TBAUQYVKcR8-sEVXP4LHRq5_-YybNmiQvS4IcXRcYxajYBzcdkIPfTkQIP6HpcIVJJrvKfBbV/image-asset.jpeg?format=500w[/img][/center] Fìrinn's Domain Form retains its vaguely humanoid origins, but comes out much taller at around eighteen feet tall, and with a wingspan of twenty-six feet. In this form, Fìrinn rarely walks, simply using its wings to move around as it pores over the tome it carries--a tome said to contain the greatest secrets of every mortal life, and the truest accounting of each God's genesis and purpose. What words actually rest upon its pages none but Fìrinn's divine twin--Àicheil--might say. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LmUxYjIyMy5RWFpoZEdGeS4wAAAAAA,,/gondess-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjI4LmUxYjIyMy5SbUZwYkdWaGMybGhjaUJiVkdobElFSmxhR2x1Wkd4cGJtZGRJQSwsLjAAAAAA/gondess-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent]The Behindling is a glassy creature of indeterminable make, existing solely hidden behind reflective surfaces, identifiable only because it is completely reflective and takes on the appearance of whatever is currently perceiving it. As the Behindling can only exist within a reflection, it does not necessarily have a concrete form and is not limited to a single location--wherever a reflection exists, the Behindling may manifest. Despite the fact that the Behindling is limited to reflections, its ability to influence the physical world is surprisingly vast: whatever alterations it makes to a reflection have the capacity to take place in reality should the right amount of power be expended. Thanks to its inherently hidden qualities, the Behindling is practically invincible--it can be denied a foothold within Galbar, but its presence is awfully challenging to truly extinguish.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [/quote][/quote][/hider]