[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=6699FF]Apollo Harrington[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/671635048612757534/3e06da3b50bb071d55f81ede0ae43a98.gif[/img][hr][hr] [b][color=6699FF]Location:[/color][/b] Cabin 3 [b][color=6699FF]Magic:[/color][/b][/center][hr] Apollo wrung his hands around his wand once more, slight marks of wear could be seen forming after years of repetitive motions. His team soon finally released and the wand now lay loosely in the palm of his hands. She didn't seem to upset at him for using legillimency, but he was unsure if she understood that that was what he was referring to. Perhaps if he could just peer in real quick; No. Apollo leaned back onto the chair, head resting against the wall as he looked up for a moment before turning his attention to the crew again. A new smile plastered onto his face as they brought up the Monster Mash. [Color=6699FF]"I'm sure that song would be totally rad! Could probably throw in 'Season of the Witch' only fitting for both Halloween [i]and[/i] a school of witchcraft. Though I suppose it's a bit more of a chill song that might require a bit more greenery."[/color] Apollo mimed taking a hit off a bean as he began to act like a stoner would on a hit before laughing and settling back. [Color=6699FF]"Definitely gonna need to think this one through if we want to get it past faculty and Flitwick. Now what am [i]I[/i] most excited for? Well charms ofcourse. But also divination! I just [i]love[/i] that class and what it has to offer, even if most of the students believe it's a load of rubbish. But, just this morning I divined something that was shown to be true moments later. Isnt that right Georgina? So shows what that lot knows."[/color] Apollo stuck his tongue out towards the cabin door, to no one in particular but those who are imagined to dislike divination. [Color=6699FF]"As for that charm of yours, I believe I read something about that in our course this year while peering g over our books. Or was it next year while I was in the library? Any roads, it appears to be doable and you could always ask your favorite twinsie for help on enchanting it with charms. It is after all [i]our[/i] specialty is it not?"[/color] Apollo nudged Artemis with his foot as he made a silly face to his brother. Clearly now more relaxed as he pushed the threat of Death Eaters and detention out of his mind.