"It's like being saddled with a toddler..." muttered Quentin under his breath. Kalak was going to be one of those types that took getting used to, he could just tell right away. He gave the paper a read for himself, but was more puzzled by it than Kalak seemed to be. What did Xehanort mean by his body not being what he was accustomed to? Oh no, this wasn't going to be one [i]those[/i] worlds, was it? In his eleven years of doing this, Quentin had come to despise going to worlds that forcibly changed one's body. It just didn't feel natural, and not helped at all by the fact that more often than not the universe saw fit to saddle Quentin with a new body that proved useless for self defense. The quest they were being sent on hadn't even begun yet and it was already looking to be annoying. Through the explanation of traveling worlds and the subsequent trip through the Lanes Between, Quentin kept to himself. His own armor was mostly a dark indigo blue, but also possessed grayish silver trimmings to accent it. He couldn't help but wonder about what Xehanort said. Those things about a First Heart and finding seven specific hearts to make a new one, he hadn't heard of any of that in all the years he spent doing this job. All this really meant to him was that Xehanort knew things they didn't, which really only made Quentin question what else the old man was keeping secret from them. Also, who was this "G" person Xehanort mentioned in the report page? It all reeked of secrecy, and Quentin didn't like it at all. But this was also the one shot he was ever going to get to return home, and so he couldn't afford not to take it. When passing by the consumed world, Quentin swallowed hard. Every time Quentin passed one by he couldn't stop himself from worrying about his own home. That world wasn't it, Quentin had found the route leading to his home some time ago, he had simply been avoiding it as per the old man's suggestion. Still, Quentin periodically wondered to himself if one day he'd return only to find his world reduced to one of those dark bubbles. When the group had actually made it to their destination, Quentin sure enough found himself in a form he didn't like much. Kalak, though, seemed to be almost freaking out at the change he had undergone. Was this the first time he'd been to this kind of world? And the pirate guy... one could only imagine the utter confusion and horror that had to be going through his head. His first trip to new world altogether, [i]and[/i] it was one that changed his body? Yikes, "Relax, would you?" Quentin said to Kalak, "In a body like that, you can probably hold your weapon in your mouth. I've had to do that once in a previous world. Besides, if you think you've got it bad, just look at what [i]I'm[/i] stuck with." sure enough, Quentin was in [url=https://image.shutterstock.com/image-vector/happy-blue-jay-bird-illustration-260nw-103420541.jpg]a body[/url] that wouldn't help much in a fight. The change didn't actually feel especially radical to him, at least. He still had feathers, and the beak was a bit different but for the most part still felt like his bill. The only change he wasn't a fan of was the wings. No hands meant no wielding his Keyblade, at least not in a comfortable way. And the beak was probably too small to hold the weapon orally. He was probably going to have to use the talons somehow, maybe use the bird body's ability to fly to give himself enough momentum to "swing" it? He'd have to work it out as they went along.