Hell on Earth, welcome to politics and human greed, everyone. :) I'm sorry if I didn't mention or if I missed someone's character. Honestly though, this post is more meant to set the stage and mood than actually 'resolve' any actions you guys were taking. Now for some information>: The Mercenaries in the ruins are all of different level and equipment, depending on both where they came from and their own career. They range from between level 10 to 30. The Adventurers are of a similar level, though there may be exceptional individuals who are more, or less, powerful than the rest. In this regard, the adventurers can range anywhere from Level 5 to Level 40. The Imperial soldiers are a much more solid collection. Their regular soldiers range between levels 12 to 18, their lower officers between 20 to 25, and their higher officers between 30 to 35. Note, the Imperial with blue-featherd helmes are Lower Officers, while those with red feathers are Higher Officers. Unfeathered are regular soldiers. The adventurers and mercenaries can pretty much have any armor, weapon and class that you guys can, and can be varied. The Imperial army mostly consists of Fighters and Archers, with a few Clerics and Imperial Mages. The standard equipment for Imperial soldiers are light plate or light scale armor, full helms and a rounded shield. Obviously, mages wear decorative robes instead of armor. You are [i]completely free[/i] to engage in battle and slay enemies, provided you reasonably can do so. Ergo, I don't foresee any of you taking on a High Officer of the Empire or Level 30 Adventurer. Still, feel free to fight or flee. Just remember, if Palagria's set up a blockade to keep people from fleeing the ruins back into their kingdom, then it stands to the reason that the other nations have done the same... :) [b]EDIT:[/b] Also, I can already see some fo yuor questions now. So, let me pre-empt you. Q: Why'd the Goatee-guy kill the Imperial officer? That's so dumb! A: Yes. Yes, it was. But big men, with big weapons and big muscles often-times have tiny brains. Add in a bit of nationalist pride, testosterone and thinking you can resolve everything by intidimation, and you got your answer. Q: But Xalt! Won't our characters try to escape, rather than push forward into the center of the ruins? A: You're most certainly welcome to [i]try[/i]. However, anyone who doesn't realize that the only way to get out safely is by bringing whatever the fallen shiyn is with them, well, you deserve whatever you get. :) Q: Why're Palagria's soldiers such dicks? A: 'Cuz when you're a country with a limited army, smaller population and fewer resources than your big, scary neighbour, you sometimes hafta do dickish things to not get curbstomped.