[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=a187be]🌈 Leda Storm 🌈[/color] and [color=silver]✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/k4qpt7F3/Leda-Rebecca.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Camp Half-Blood - Dining Pavilion [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] [color=a187be]"And you're just guessing that we got the right ones going, then,"[/color] Leda pointed out to Chiron. He didn't seem to be bothered by the situation or her argument. He didn't even really seem to get the point of it. Janelle's lack of training was a concern, but Leda's outburst was more due to a combination of teenage hormones and the fact that the prophecy could have been talking about completely different children of Athena, Apollo, and Hypnos. It annoyed her that Kristin and Zeke were going to be the ones off to save the world, when she viewed them (mostly Zeke) as incompetent at best. She shot a glare at Zeke, his inane reply annoying her to death. [color=a187be]"This isn't some childish game, Zeke,"[/color] she snapped at him. [color=a187be]"Get over your bullshit and realize that the entire world is at stake - and you just want to gamble it all on your own pride. I swear on the River Styx, you have to be the most insufferable person here!"[/color] She huffed. She usually didn't let Zeke get to her like that, but with the horrors about to be unleashed on the world she was on edge. It didn't help that she had to spend this quest in close quarters with her ex-girlfriend too. She didn't really calm down when Mary told her to just accept it as the way things were. Janelle similarly didn't seem to get her point. Leda was surrounded by idiots. Rebecca sighed. She knew Leda knew better than to swear on the River Styx. And she knew that when Leda got in this hot-tempered mood, her pride would end up pushing and pushing her. There was very little point in trying to persuade her otherwise. She agreed with her that the choices of those going on the quest were arbitrary, but Rebecca also knew that her best chance at helping the world would be to set sail for Camp Jupiter as quickly as possible. [color=silver]"Right or wrong, even if the prophecy meant other children of those gods... We have to sail for Camp Jupiter now. None of us meet the description of the prophecy. If Rosie realizes the wrong ones were sent, she can sent the appropriate ones from those here at camp,"[/color] Rebecca reasoned. Of course, this all assumed that the children in the prophecy had already been identified and were at camp. She then looked at the child of Zeus. [color=silver]"If we do end up falling, hopefully you might be able to capture the winds and save us,"[/color] Rebecca said. [color=silver]"If not, I might be able to provide a magical remedy."[/color] She could see if there was something in her grimoire that could be of help. Now was the time to leave at any rate. They could devise back up plans once they set sail.