[u][b]December Inanis[/b][/u] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://i.imgur.com/3K39lMO.png[/img] With a short and thin stature and blank look, December looks like a doll with too little stuffing. Her body is covered in old scratches and bruises, especially down her forearms. She is rarely seen in neat clothing, although she sometimes does grudgingly tidy up. Her movements are slow and flowing, like she is permanently inebierated. [/hider] Age: 19 Gender: F Element: Darkness [b]Personality:[/b] Air-headedness or thoughtfulness? Apathy or stoicism? For December, it's probably both. December is quiet and aloof, often hanging back from action and avoiding confrontations. She is a follower type who goes along with whatever seems to be the most convinent at the time, but often gets lost in her own thoughts and blanks out. She is hard to excite but easy to please, being content with the most frugal conditions as long as she gets a plenty of sleep and doesn't get pushed around too much. However, behind her mask of indifference, December is surprisingly bitter and cynical, especially against her family. She feels lonely and helpless, but feels compelled to help others in worse positions. She is troubled by doubt and low self-esteem, and she often goes day to day living on pure spite against herself. [b]Bio:[/b] Born into relative wealth, December was a trouble child. Not because she was disobedient or rowdy, but quite the opposite. Although the Inanis family was in a prestigious service position and had served the Council for several years, December's parents were secretly ardent opposers against the Council. They wished for a spirited child destined to take down the Council. Instead, they would often find their child lying around, completely still and staring into nothingness. She was silent, anti-social and reserved to the point that she was mistaken for being a mute. She received frequent beatings both from her parents to try and "toughen her up", with little success. December learned to bury her emotions deeper under her usual guise of blankness, as well as try and take care of herself in face of neglect and isolation (neither of which truly worked). December often befriended birds in lieu of human interactions, her favourites being ravens. December's troubles did not stop there, however. At her Awakening, the crystal didn't function at first. Actually, December was spitefully suppressing her magic, no matter how many times her parents would try to "convince" her. So December's apparent inability to conduct magic was buried under bribery, and her official element was noted as 'Fire'. As a punishment, her parents poisoned the ravens in the park and forced December to bury them. When December attacked her parents in a fit of uncharacteristic rage, they had her restrained and forced to go through the Awakening once again. Darkness. A writhing, chaotic and powerful aspect of Darkness, kept in control underneath December's calm surface. Suddenly her parents were very, very interested. In terms of raw potential, December was unlike many had seen. But due to December both conciously and sub-conciously supressing her magic, combined with December's habit of skipping regimen in favor of naps, it had rarely surfaced. December was then given a choice. Continue to pretend to be a Fire mage and be sent off to serve a Count, or foster power within the Academy. Seeing a lesser of two evils, December decided to attend the Academy. Perhaps she would find relative peace and quiet there. [b]Likes:[/b] - Naps - Coffee - Ravens - Really cold weather [b]Dislikes:[/b] - Swimming - Her parents - Loud noises - Memorization [b]Habits:[/b] December tends to compulsively scratch her scars when she is nervous, leading to even more scarring. As such, she tends to wear several layers of clothes as a preventative measure. She is also very self-concious about her scars, and rarely wears anything short of winter attire to cover them, even in hot weather. December tends to leave things unfinished, especially in terms of cleaning. December washes her clothes, but leaves them lying around. She sorts her belongings, but tends to leave a majority of it as 'Other'. December finishes most of her sentences, but December's few personal belongings include a hairpin that doubles as a lockpick. December picked up a strange habit of trying to absent-mindedly lockpick whenever possible, but so far has only been able to successfully unlock her mother's jewlery box. Her other belongings include a pouch of bird seeds, preserved raven feathers, and two suspiciously expensive rings.