[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjg3MWMyYS5TbUZrWlNCVFkyOTBkQSwsLjE,/jar-of-hearts.regular.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/uV5JphNB1dk9UcNqiZ/giphy.gif[/img][/center] It was frustrating. This was no way for a superstar to travel. On foot. Through the middle of a bunch of woods and brush and natural bullshit. It was a damn good thing looking this spectacular was effortless. Otherwise Jade Scott would be downright mad. Prepping for the Great Bash should have been a joyous undertaking. One where all her sisters would come together and celebrate the beginning of the new school year by getting pre-drunk off whatever the heck they wanted now that there were 21-year-olds among the group, followed by piecing together outfits and then heading to whatever secluded location the Bash was destined to happen in. That didn't happen. Jade's day was all soccer. No planning time or socializing time or alcohol-buying time. Just soccer. Coach Lilly was merciless today. It was the first day back! It was supposed to be just an easing into the season! Nope. Apparently last year's second-round exit was still weighing on Coach's mind. It wasn't Jade's fault that Brittney let in three goals against freaking Hofstra! So why was she getting punished for it? Any other day, she would be fine with it, but not today. So Jade wasn't able to get back to the house until 6pm and she immediately needed to shower. By the time she did that and made her solo run to the corner store to pick up some booze, the house was pretty quiet. It was disappointing. Jade hated to drink alone. What was the point of that? Besides, her dad had been pretty clear that only alcoholics drink alone. She wasn't that. So now she was trying to find the Bash lot sober. An easier task, but now far more annoying the more she had to bash branches with her arms. At least [url=https://www.byrdie.com/thmb/jcY4VS-t4TY_fJjRt1ME2c3z6OU=/500x350/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/30946612_1064416243707388_7644365028883169280_n-1982c02b5852423ab99817c4dbf4e25b.jpg]her outfit[/url] was probably the best thing she could be wearing for both trail blazing and stylish partying. Aside from the decision to wear the shorts that ended mid-thigh. She wanted to show off the legs, not have them be nicked and scraped all to shit. Still, she could hear the music. She could see the glow. She was close. Finally, the Golden Girl gashed her way into the clearing, where it was clear everything was in full swing already. There was booze provided, which would be fine for what she needed to start reaching the levels of her peers. It appeared there was a massive trough with various smaller bottles of beer and coolers, and then a table that was loaded with hard liquor. That was what Jade wanted. Everyone knows that vodka is the lowest-carb alcohol, so it was the clear option to drink without adding unnecessary beer weight. Miss Scott strutted to the table and claimed a bottle of Absolut for herself. She scanned for some suitable mix and spotted a jug of cranberry juice. Diet of course. That would also be hers. The Queen of the Pitch deserves her choice of beverage, after all. Fishing a cup with her pinkie, Jade made her way towards the lone cabin on the lake, choosing to prepare her drinks in seclusion. It made sense given the day she had. Two fingers of vodka, drowned in juice to make it red. It matched the cup perfectly. A sip confirmed the mix was done perfectly as well. At least things were start going her way now. It was about time. Jade marched over to the window, cup in hand as she surveyed the Bash unfolding on the lakeside. There was sure to be pong out there, as well as other competitions that she could dominate. Other people she could dominate. Things boded well. The Golden Girl took a long pull from her cup. [color=9f1f19]"Let the game begin,"[/color] she said to herself.