Ray wanted to not believe her, but there was something... about Vivian that made her comfortable around her. "I..." She started before she thought, "I would like some proper art supplies." She straightened up, trying to look her in the eye but something made her not. "And I...I'd like the guards to stop repainting my room every time I do it." Ari let out a loud angry growl, Dia on the other hand stayed silent. She had her eyes closed, focusing on the air and area around her before she heard Benjamin's voice. Something in her clicked, energy surrounded her before it exploded outwards- Knocking Josh back and freed both her and Ari. [i]"Go to Ray."[/i] Dia asked before she quickly sprinted through the wall. [i]I'm coming Benjamin.[/i] She thought before she stopped in a hallway. Ari dropped to the ground, heaving. [b]"You."[/b] She started, standing up as she seemed to be breathing heavily, [b]"How [i]dare[/i] you."[/b] She stepped towards him, [b]"You can contain me all you want, You can restrain me to a point. But if you [i]dare[/i] bring Dia into this again then I will end you."[/b] Sara smiled to Marc, she was relaxed around him. "I like Jazz." She started, "Not as much as I like Classical, Piano and Violin specifically." She said with a bigger smile. "Winging it sounds good." She said happily as she looked out the windows of the car.