Jacholaus, curiously, followed Val when she asked him to. Whatever it was, it probably could not be said around everyone else. It explains why she chose to sit outside, on the steps. Jacholaus sat beside her and paid attention to what she had to say. When she finished, he had no idea what to say at first. It was a bit sudden. Jacholaus reacked his hand over and lay it on her shoulder, grasping it softly. "I'm sorry, Val, that it's so bad for you," he said. He then got an idea. "Az emberek, akiknek lelkek összefonódik részesedése ebben az életben együtt," he said, in Hungarian. "It means 'People whose souls are intertwined share this life together'. If you would like, you could stay with me. I'll make sure you have proper food, clothing, and sleep, as well as your own space for yourself." Jacholaus then laughed a little. "Trust me, there's [I]a lot[/I] of space, too." He then let his hand fall off of her shoulder, and onto her hand, grasping it softly. "So, would you like that, Val?," he asked, hopeful and caring eyes looking right at hers.