Need to finish history and write up the meeting and his appearance. [hider=Demervan Laranak, the One Eyed Wolf and the Kerberos King] [b]Name:[/b] Demervan Laranak [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Pysker Grade:[/b] Kappa [b]Homeworld:[/b][hider=Salott] Salott is an unfortunate example of good intentions gone wrong. Formerly a planet fame for its high quality luxury goods and artisan agriculture and known for its culture of honor, come the Long Night, Salott was spared the brunt of the horrors of it thankfully. Shifting its production to more survival-centric industries, the Barons and Viceroys of Salott's upper class remained fairly comfortable, watching over their fields and workshops. However, ideas of abolishing the increasingly entrenched nobility gain popularity after a series of terrible famines and natural disasters that left the commoners crippled and devastated. The Salottic Revolutionary Council gained followers and momentum, leading to the outbreak of full on war of the revolutionaries vs the mercenaries and sworn house guards of the nobles. After a decade of war that ravished much of the planet, the SRC declared victory and tried to move towards a more democratic republic. The various groups and internal factions, once bound by their hatred of the nobility, began to splinter and soon political infighting once again crippled the planet as bandits, former mercenaries and house guards and even revolutionaries, preyed upon the weak. While the Barons and Viceroys had the money and loyalty of guards to protect their vast fields, when the SRC distrusted the land to the poor peasants, they no longer had the means of protecting their own interests. Soon they began to band together and hire armed gunmen to try and protect what little livelihoods they had left after the civil war. These gunmen however, saw an opportunity. As one of the few well-armed forced left and already having defacto control in some remote areas, these triggermen took to forming gangs, clans and families whose activities began to look more and more like organized crime. Protection rackets, drug trafficking, prostitution, illegal betting, arms dealing, the loose gangs of criminals that began to become known as the Salottic Mafia grew in power. Now, almost all of the planet is under the influence of the one of the criminal elements, either covertly or discreetly. What remains of the SRC is a broken corpse of diehard guerrillas and fanatical insurgents who strike out against the much larger families in suicidal attacks. As for the peasants and commoners, they had finally found a limited degree of safety. Although now the commoners are under new management, while chaffing under heavier taxes, have been granted a larger degree of freedom than before. [/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] Demervan stands at an average height for a Primarch and on the surface appears slimmer without his armor. Exceptionally well groomed, his black hair is sleek yet silky while he beard is trimmed and smooth. His light bronze skin is without blemish and only the most fashionable of scars across his left eye and a nick on his right cheekbone, both giving off equal parts an attractive aggression and a mysterious mark. [b]Personality:[/b] Demervan is a man of bold speech and bolder actions. He feels no need to hide his Primarch superiority, no apologize for his actions which he has absolute confidence in on the level of ancient Greek hubris. Feeling right at home with the underworld of any society, he openly engages in the vices of drink and dice as well as women, seeing it as completely acceptable so long as he completes whatever tasks he is given. However, beyond simply confident bravado and sins, there is one other thing which Demervan holds dearly and that is the concept of Honor Among Thieves. Politicians and nobles are not to be trusted as they are only capable of looking after themselves and their own careers, but to be a part of a criminal family is to be one of many who look out for each other. This honor is so sacred that he has personally ensured to brutal execution of well over a dozen of his best lieutenants who broke the sacred laws of honor. Demervan cares little for the formalities and “noble customs” that other Legions and Imperial society as a whole focuses so much on to the point he has a disdain for those who have gained their ranks purely through family connections and nepotism. The Primarch of the 20th Legion prides himself on meritocracy and is willing to accept anyone into his fold so long as they prove their worth and aren’t a pompous git. He is a many surrounded by mysteries and lies, some of which were created by him. He is unfortable with anyone knowing too much about him, likely a self defense mechanism honed over years of ruthless underworld politics. While not exactly a habitual liar, Demervan's relationship with the truth is often very fluid. [b]History:[/b] There are some dozen versions of how Demervan landed upon the world of Salott and how he rose to power. Some versions claim that he was picked up by a major gang and adopted by a Mob Boss. Others say that he was raised by normal parents but fell into crime where he excelled. Others say that he was once a pit fighter who broke his own chains and formed his own gang. Whatever the reason for it, Demervan has never once told the same story twice in its entirety, preferring the anonymity and confusion it generates to ensure that no one really ever figures it out. What is known for sure is that at some point he created his own gang called the Black Flag Battalion, either from combining other gangs or raising it from nothing. In time, the BFB would spread its influence until it became the single entity which controlled organized crime upon Salott. There wasn’t a street in a city under their control, a police department on their payroll or a drug sale that they hadn’t permitted. In a highly ironic twist, once they became masters of the underground, overall crime decreased on the planet as the gang warfare and bloody street fights had all but disappeared. With his power absolute, Demervan shifted from simply being the master of the underworld into something else to help cement himself: a pop culture icon. Through legitimate business practices, the BFB spread its imagery on everything from t-shirts to strippers, decorative stickers to billboards, jewelry to tv shows. With his own unnatural charisma, Demervan lead ran for the head of multiple nations, even forcing many of them into his own super national organization: the Salott Syndicate. Proving that he could lead soldiers and civilians as well as he could criminals and gangers, the Syndicate became Salott and Demervan, the Crown Prince of Crime. The only thing known for a fact about Demervan personally is that he had fell in love with a woman although that is as much as is remembered. Some say she was an underworld princess, others a one night fling that became serious, or a prostitute that caught more than the Wolf's eyes. What is known is that this woman was named Illya and she took Demervan's last name in a grand ceremony the whole world watched. But Demervan was always going to outlive her by several life times; unlike so many other things, he stayed by her side until she finally passed. He has never quite been able to move on from his Queen, wearing her locket around his neck and not taking lightly when someone speaks ill of her or her memory. When the Emperor came to Salott, it was under disguise as a single lawful vigilante who began to attempt to dismantle the empire Demervan had built. When the One-Eyed Kerberos finally figured out who was behind it, he personally set out to find this “Golden Virtue” hero who was destroying everything he built in an incredibly short amount of time. After a highly dramatic final confrontation at the top of Demervan’s own skyscraper, the Emperor revealed himself and dueled the Kerberos King. Their battle went on for a day and a night until the Emperor finally pushed Demervan over the edge, leaving him hanging. Offering his hand in exchange for submission and fealty, the only recorded incident of Demervan kneeling before someone else occurred and he was given the 20th Legion, the Storm Guard, and full Primarch regalia in exchange for granting the Syndicate control of the entire Salott System. Since taking command, Demervan has brought a number of worlds and stellar empires into compliance, often by exploiting local criminal elements and using them as proxies to ensure as few casualties for his own legionaries. However, he hasn’t “gone soft” as the 21 Banners’ actions during the Siege of Taratoru and the Battle of Endicele Bay proved. [b]Skills:[/b] [indent][b]Hypnotic Presence[/b] – Beyond simple normal Primarch charisma, something about Demervan has a certain hypnotic aspect to it. The way he can project his voice and the supernatural ways it whispers in your mind combined with his ocular mutation hidden under his eyepatch can sway many people to him and even if they are not swayed, it can be highly distracting. [b]Master Chief[/b] – For whatever reason, Demervan just appears to have an incredible ability to master anything that can be cooked. From decadent feasts to carefully crafted military rations to even illicit drugs and mystical potions. The Primarch takes great pride in this and has made a habit of cooking his own meals, originally to avoid poisoning attempts on Salott but now for his own amusement. Rumors has it that he is current complling a master cookbook that he plans on releasing. [b]Reckless Luck[/b] – Things that seem impossible some how work when Demervan is around. More than once, his hair brained ideas should have gotten him killed and yet he walks on. It seems that this manifests as him being able to survive increasingly harrowing situations. Yet rumors remain that the One Eyed Wolf’s luck will run out and even darker rumors suggest that Demervan himself knows this and is looking for a way to avoid it.[/indent] [b]Wargear:[/b] [indent][b]King's Tribute[/b] – A massive single edged power sword whose handguard can fold down to be gripped with two hands, it is said that Demervan forged this blade by melting down the crowns and jewelry of the Salott nobility and then had it upgraded and refined by the Adepts of Mars. The design of its hand grip allows for Demervan to pull off some fairly creative maneuvers and strokes with it. [b]Chainbreaker[/b] – A modified Meltagun that has two modes, a long range single shot or a shotgun-like spray that can clear out an entire room in seconds. And also probably slag the room. Demervan enjoys using it in combination with his blade for close combat, blowing holes in his enemies with it at point blank. Hilariously, Demervan has learned how to cook with such a weapon as a heat source. [b]Illya's Last Gift[/b] – A trinket from Demervan's first and only lover, it has little actual power but tremendous sentimental value as it contains a fairly advanced piece of technology. Demervan can be seen looking over it, flipping through holographic memories of her while listening to her favorite music box pieces. Some theorize that this trinket might actually what be giving Demervan his famous luck.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=The 21 Banners] [b]LEGION NAME:[/b] The 21 Banners (formerly Storm Guard) [b]LEGION NUMBER:[/b] XX [b]LEGION ORGANIZATION:[/b] The Legion is organized into 21 "Banners", each of about 5000 marines for a total active fighting force of 105,000 marines and around about one million normal humans serving in the Free Companies that follow the 21 Banners. Each Banner is also sometimes called a "Family" who is led by a Don and is broken up into Syndicate of 1000 marines. Each Syndicate within the same Banner tends to follow a theme, be it color, animal, weapons, etc. Dons have a great deal of power over their Banners as most of the heavier equipment in the 21 Banners is put in the Banner level and assigned as needed to the Syndicates and Squads. The inner circle of the 21 Banners is the Koza Nosra, an advisory council comprised of Dons handpicked by Demervan. [b]ARMOR APPEARANCE:[/b] [img][/img] [b]WARCRY:[/b] "Do your worse!" "Don't even try!" "Watch us/me now!" [b]ROLE/SPECIALTY:[/b] The 21 Banners is a fast attack and orbital shock legion, specializing in rapid assaults on ground or drop pod assaults from orbit. Favoring a slight lean towards melee and close combat, they also make use of various forms of psychological warfare and combat stims. Their psychological combat can range from sowing doubts or enticing enemies to straight up using terror and torture to terrify them. The wide variety of combat stims and “battle brews” the legion creates have also become a specialty and have become so renowned that the apothecaries are instead known as Alchemists. [b]HONOR GUARD:[/b] The Legion’s Honor Guard is called the Golden Guard Oathsworn who wear very distinctive armor and typically are armed with a variant of the Reaper Autocannon known as the Blitzer Autocannon or the “Salottic Typewriter”. [img][/img] [b]IMPORTANT PEOPLE:[/b] [hider=The Koza Nosra] [b]Machio Tsovang [/b] Don of the 4th Banner and also High Alchemist, he has the moniker of "He who Rusts Blades" on the account of his incredible durability. Legend says that the only time he's actually felt pain was when a building was dropped on him with him in it. He has a calm and steady demeanor and is slow to anger. [b]Juji Seventar [/b] Don of the 7th Banner and possessing the moniker of "Serpent Breaker", he is extremely ambitious but also extremely honest; he is very frank and open with his power moves. This has actually gained him a level of reliability within the legion as one can usually guess how he will act without too much trouble and also what he'll probably say. [b]Lorento Karja [/b] Don of the 16th Banner and known as "Master of Northern Stars", he is the greatest duelist within the legion and is eager to get into battle, always found on the first drop pod down. He's frighteningly adept at psychological warfare and most of his trophies are actually things he's taken from defeated foes. [b]Hanabe Forgio [/b] Don of the 11th Banner and famous as "He who Chains Mountains", his tactical mind is unparalleled with only Demervan being able to regularly best him. His most famous achievement was when he had brought a hostile world to compliance with only a dozen marines, having fought incredibly lopsided battles all the way through. Good friends with Machio Tsovang. [b]Piraza Langui[/b] Champion of the 21 Banners, Demervan himself gave him the title of "Sword Eater" after a notable instance where he broke an opponent's blade with his teeth. His dual blades technique and acrobatic fighting style was honed in zero g through long hours of practice. Has a fairly intense rivalry with Lorento Karja. [/hider] [b]LEGION CHARACTER:[/b] The 21 Banners takes heavily after its criminal roots on Salott in obvious and subtle ways. Most obviously is their much more lax discipline on the surface compared to their sibling legions and their individualism. Almost all of the legionaries have some form of self-stylization or personalization through paint, marks or trinkets. Despite their fairly verbose and boastful nature, they are actually a pretty insular Legion, seeing themselves all as "honored family" and trying to get any information about them is extremely difficult without concerted effort. They take the maxim "honor among thieves" extremely seriously; while they open admit that they are black sheep, they aren't snakes. To many of the poor, downtrodden and outright outcasted criminal elements, the 21 Banners is something akin to a patron saint. Wherever they go, they find no shortage of people wishing to join their free companies or even try to become a marine themselves. [b]RELATIONS[/b] Stemming from their own history, it comes as no surprise that much of the Imperial Authority does not approve of Demervan and his Legion. The man swings around his primarch authority willy nilly with only the faintest of regards for protocol. Orders not from his siblings or the Emperor are taken as suggestions and the Kerberos King doesn't even hide his disdain for the upper class of aristocrats and noble elites. Much of what he does appears to be entirely dependent according to his mood if you listen to the bureaucrats and generals. To those lower on the social ladder, Demervan is considered "one of their own" with his legion preferring to mix with the troopers and the gangers than the officers and politicians. He is seen as a sort of beacon of hope, an affirmation of their life style yet also having the chance to get out of it with the Free Companies who are often less rigid than the various Imperial Army units. Where ever the 21 Banners go, the stock rooms seem to be a bit lighter and causality lists are a bit longer, not because of additional deaths but because officers can no longer find their soldiers as the Free Companies welcome some new, entirely unrelated members. [/hider]