[h1][center] Glasgow N7 Crew - Aboard enemy vessel[/center][/h1] The turian didn't respond to the healing, but the Asari had managed to stabilize the condition with the help from the republic troopers, and medi-gel. At the mention of kolto, the asari shook her head. "He'll be fine on our ship." She said, knowing full well that the captain wouldn't want his men left in someones hands. With the bridge secure they'd be fine, Sarah ensured the rest of her team was upright, and sent Sparky to help their friend access the ships data, and systems. The N7 operative looked out the window, at the dying planet. This wasn't her home, and while it reminded her of Earth. They weren't her people. Still she felt a pang of regret for the people who more than likely wouldn't make it off planet. She knew that the assembled crews would try their hardest to evacuate the people, she knew the captain would probably even make what room he could. But they couldn't save all of them, even with this ship in their possession now. But it meant more lives saved, and in the long run adding this ship to the fleet would also mean more firepower, and perhaps a better capital ship added to their fleet. Turning away from the window. "We should probably cut the feed, or use it to communicate with the galaxy at large. After all we have the attention of the galaxy now." She said.