JEALOUS DEFINITELY HEXED [quote=@Tatterdemalion] SECOND PLACE WEREWOLF MAGNET DARKEST SELF “I didn’t want to meet them until we were going steady, silly!!” He’s only saying this because he’s cursed. You can’t give a hex like that an inch! “But I guess... once we get you uncursed, we can go have dinner together!” She leans in, gives him an air kiss next to his cheek— mwah!— and then drags him over to the door before his brain starts working again. Knock! Knock! And then, once opened, gosh, wouldn’t you know, we’re in... the Sphinx’s lair?? “Drop that oversized kitten and break your curse on poor, innocent Timothy right now, Annalee, or [i]else![/i] He’s [i]nobody’s[/i] house husband, you [i]hussy![/i]” You’d better do it. There is mad power dancing in Elly-belly’s eyes, Annalee. She is at her most unpredictable and impulsive right now, and standing in front of her might as well be standing in front of a train. This is complicated by the fact that you have not, in fact, hexed Timmy. [/quote] This is okay. This is fine. She didn’t really kiss him. He didn’t actually reciprocate. It wasn’t a real kiss. It wasn’t a real kiss. It wasn’t real at all. It was a Continental sort of gesture that was performed millions of times a day between people who didn’t have to like each other in the first place. He was safe, he wasn’t in any trouble, and so his knees had no good reason to tremble like structurally deficient gelatin. No good reason! Not a one! wait this wasn’t where he was standing a moment ago [quote=@Anarion] CREEP WHIPPED TRUANT Annalee is in the middle of trying to open her backpack and inch out one of her spellbooks without being crushed by the sphinx, toppling over, or properly being able to move her arms and legs. It sort of looks like she's being slowly buried in a hot topic store that's oddly sphinx shaped. You might expect her to be awkward in this situation, but in some ways, your arrival is a blessed jolt of normalcy. And she looks positively, perhaps even unnaturally delighted to see that you brought Timothy Crompton with you. Well done, Elly-belly, we knew you were useful for something after all. "What, the mouth hex? That was at Samael's request, but he didn't ask me to keep it." She waves a hand (as much as it can wave) and Timothy, any lingering oddity with your mouth is completely and utterly gone. "There, it was nothing, I'm glad that you enjoy my work. But now, now it's is excellent that you're here!" Her eyes light up. "I was just working on passing through the entrance, which I've never done before. And while I'm magically fused to this sphinx, I'm sure you can both assist. You see, Timmy, we really must go to the library at once. It's very urgent and I'm confident that whatever you both need, we can take care of it there!" Annalee looks at Timothy knowingly, and he might remember the last time she got him "whatever he needed." [Spending a string on Timothy to tempt him to go with her (and Elodie if he wants) to Samael's library room. He gets an experience if he does it.] [/quote] Timothy felt his natural jawline, totally free of lumps and asymmetry. He whipped off the face mask, and - yes, yes, everything was in order. For the first time in what felt like ages, the world finally saw the face of Timothy Oglevee Crompton. “You cursed me.” And he was scowling furiously. “You. You cursed me. At Samael’s request.” He broke off from Elodie and stormed up to the Witch/Sphinx mash. “[i]Why?[/i] Why would you even [i]do[/i] such a thing?! What could have Samael possibly said to you to make that seem like a good idea? I’ve been walking around with my face wrapped up like a ninny for days. I haven’t been able to eat. I’ve barely managed to drink. And you just let me suffer?! I was your [i]friend,[/i] Annie! Your friend!” He grabbed her by the shoulders. Looked her square in the eyes. And for a moment, the fire flickered, and his voice cracked. “I thought that meant something to you. I was relieved to find another human in this nightmare prison. I thought...” He took a stiff breath, his face hardening. “It doesn’t matter. You’re no different from the rest of [i]them.”[/i] Delinquents. Hooligans. Cruel, horrible monsters, all. “Now. Elodie believes there’s some manner of dark hex that’s been placed on me. If you have any intention of making up for this, you can [i]start[/i] by looking into that. I believe you mentioned the Library as a good place to start?” [Timothy is rolling to Shut Annie Down: 5 + 1 + 1 = [b]7[/b] Annie gets to put a Condition on Timmy, and loses a String on him.]