[centre][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/divinus-mk4/images/3/3b/Afc6efa58bae4f9c3be8ed679a7ac131.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/310?cb=20200229065521[/img] [h2]Gibbou[/h2] [/centre] [hr] Gibbou gave the surface of the moon a grumpy hit, regretfully soothing it with a few rubs an instant later. That dumb pig had just appeared skipped away in such a hurry - just as they were getting a conversation going! Sure, not everyone could be as awesome as sis, but there had to be some kind of standard, right? She huffed and sat back down, looking down at the greening continent below and the crack and thunder of a million roots breaking at the newly formed soil. There was something almost terrifying about this awesome power, but the exhilarating bubbling in her blood drowned out that fear. She hopped up and down, squealing and whooping at the spectacle below. [colour=lightblue]YEAH! Plant those trees![/colour] she cheered and threw her hands into the air. The motion sent her laying flat down on her back and she breathed a happy sigh. Maybe this life wouldn’t be so bad, huh? A millisecond of instincts kicking into motion suddenly warned her of something she was far too slow to react to. A series of echoing screams blasted through time and space, and before she could even fathom to think what just occurred, she felt a massive change in G-force and was dropped into space, as her moon suddenly sped off away from her at a speed of a meteor. Gibbou took a second to recover her balance and looked around for her creation. [colour=lightblue]“H-hey! My moon!”[/colour] she shouted and sped off after it like a shooting star, moon-white light encapsulating her as she soared through the empty space. She was back on its surface shortly after and instantly inspected it for damages. She found it sufficiently whole and breathed a sigh of relief. Now to find the culprit. Taking a deep breath, she shouted, [colour=lightblue]“HEY! YOU SENT MY MOON SPINNING AROUND THE PLANET, YOU BUTT! HOW CAN I PAY ATTENTION TO THE LAND ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT NOW?!”[/colour] With an angry huff, she picked up a moon rock and lobbed in some arbitrary direction. The rock soared off and burned up in Galbar’s atmosphere. A frown discoloured her face as she stared over the horizon of her moon - the sunlight was approached. [colour=lightblue]“Oh, come on…” she groaned, “you mean the dark side won’t stay dark forever now?! That--! Ugh!”[/colour] She kicked another moon rock, sending another shooting star down to Galbar. She plopped herself down on the surface and growled in displeasure. Why did the other gods have to be so inconsiderate? It was downright breaking her heart, it was! Gibbou made a sour ‘prrt’ with her lips. [colour=lightblue]“First I can’t do my job properly and now-...”[/colour] A darkbulb dimmed over her head and she suddenly grinned from ear to ear. She rocketed to her feet and began stretching out. Of course! If she couldn’t pay attention to the part of the world with life all the time, she’d just have to delegate the job to someone else whenever she wouldn’t be around! She bent over to stretch her hamstrings and calves. She could almost reach her toes with her fingers, she grinned in realising. Could probably do this exercise every now and then and reach down eventually! Now, what would they be like, these guardians? She waved her arms around like windmills. Well, for starters, they should be tall - preferably to deter anyone trying to harm life from, well, harming life. She rolled her head around on her shoulders. Secondly, they ought to be very strong - oh! and able to live long! Wouldn’t want guardians to just pass away like that, would we? She stretched her arms over her head one at a time to flex her latissimus dorsi. Lastly, they’re only really needed at night, so they shouldn’t really bother daywalkers too much. Oh! What if they were allergic to the sunlight? That’d keep them from doing anything fishy when she was asleep herself! She put her fists on her hips and grinned - she had a plan! She knelt down and, making sure not to damage the surface of her precious baby, she kicked off and soared down to the surface of Galbar, giggling all the way as she soared with two fists extended up front. [colour=lightblue]“Wooooooooooo!”[/colour] she half-squealed, half-laughed as she crashed into the water surface with a splash the size of a minor meteoric impact. A few minutes later, her little blue head popped up above the water surface and spat out some water. [colour=lightblue]“Eugh! Salty,”[/colour] she muttered and pulled her soaked hair out of her eyes before spinning to look up at the sky. As expected, she saw no sign of the sun, but what she -did- see, was possibly something beautiful enough to challenge her sister’s looks. [colour=lightblue]“... Woah… I made that?”[/colour] she whispered to herself as her eyes glued onto the sight of the full moon. Its light wasn’t even close to offensive - it was the complete opposite! Unlike the sun, it fell gently on the eyes - it was light, a beacon in the sky, an existence of peace and calm - all without that painful glare. [color=0054a6]”Well done.”[/color] The voice rolled through Gibbou’s mind and shook the world around her. Unlike those most wholesome of words shared with lovely voices between caring siblings that Gibbou had heard, these were something far different. Though they imparted meaning far deeper, their sounds were of tides and bubbles and many other things of the deep. Nevertheless, the compliment was clear. Rising from below with bright orange-yellow eyes ringed in light blue came the vastness of the growing Klaar. The Old Growth of the deep stared unblinkingly at the new entity that splashed in his waters with one pair of eyes while the others looked about in fascination with the world above. Most of all, that gentle orb that hung calmly in the sky. Gibbou blinked at the creature’s single eye and cocked her head to the side. [colour=lightblue]“Oh! Hello! Are,”[/colour] she pulled at her nose to clean it of seawater, [colour=lightblue]“are you the one who made the ocean here?”[/colour] She made an effort to extend a hand towards the eye while using the other to keep herself afloat amidst the powerful current forming from the surfacing of such a grand god. [colour=lightblue]“I’m Gibbou! Oraelia’s my sister! What’s your name?”[/colour] Klaars eyes twisted in their sockets at the strange words. They were understandable but vague, soft, and without form. What a grand and intoxicating innocence! The surface of the waters bubbled and rippled as the huge mass of Klaarungraxus vibrated with excitement at this most interesting of meetings. A momentary pause in his works as he extended the seas and set about creating so many fascinating things. [color=0054a6]”My pool grows and the First Water flows,”[/color] bellowed the huge cephalopod, [color=0054a6]”Now it is a lagoon of my making. You are Gibbou, and I am Klaar, and we have spoken. An empty space given place. Joyous tidings and sounds of soft white waters abound~!”[/color] The tip of one large tentacle exited the waters and hung in front of Gibbou, matching her stretched out arm’s posture. Three eyes now focussed on Gibbou, all from one side, while the others looked upwards at the moon with clear delight. A far softer, gentler thing than that vile fire in the sky. Gibbou grinned from ear to ear and used her other hand to pull her hair out of her face again, resulting in her dropping under the water surface for a second, getting all her hair up in her face again. She surfaced and made a sheepish giggle. [colour=lightblue]“Oh, uh, just a second, would you mind? I just have to…”[/colour] She snapped her fingers under the surface and, after a short minute, a large manta ray appeared underneath her, pushing her seated form to the water surface. She smiled at it and then at Klaar. [colour=lightblue]“There we go! Oh, I hope you don’t mind me just, uh, putting stuff in your waters without asking.”[/colour] As she talked, the manta ray drifted off slowly in an arbitrary direction. Gibbou gave it a small frown and looked back to Klaar again. [colour=lightblue]“You mind if we chat on the way?”[/colour] The manta ray was soon joined by a large pod of its kind, and below swam a number of blue and black fish, all around a great, silvery, coral-covered reef that had suddenly appeared. The corals seemed to almost bloom in the light of the moon, and the spectacle was further enhanced by the dance of fish dancing between their many colourful arms. Klaar bubbled and shook as he descended below, perceiving the new life that had entered his seas. They were as his own, the creations he’d been spawning across the oceans, yet each and every one a unique and interest design. Corals, his most beloved of creations wrought by his tentacles, had been placed with tender care into a vast reef below and Klaar spoke gentle tides into being to bring nutrients to this most lovely of reefs. [color=0054a6]”Life must teem,[/color] came his sonorous reply, sounding as a pleasant seashore, [color=0054a6]”And so must we. To where do thine tides take thee?”[/color] [colour=lightblue]“Yeah, making life’s great! I’m having a blast!”[/colour] The blue girl twisted a handful of saltwater out of her braids. [colour=lightblue]“See, I’m actually really happy I ran into you! I’m heading for land - that would be the, uhm… Did you see the boar come crashing down from above earlier?”[/colour] [color=0054a6]”Tusks-and-Fur-and-Fury,”[/color] Klaar’s eyes sunk inwards as memories turned to images in his mind, [color=0054a6]”A mind unappreciative of oceans vast. The beak he pulled from waters deep now towers ponderously. Affirmative. Mine eyes hath held his visage.”[/color] Gibbou nodded. [colour=lightblue]“Unappreciative of a lot of things, really. But okay, you know him - good! See, I was heading to, as I mentioned, but I’ve lost my way, sort of. Could you point me in the general direction of the biggest landmass here?”[/colour] The manta ray, meanwhile, casually splashed its noodle-like tail against the surface, no doubt eager to dive deeper. Gibbou gave it a soothing pat on the… Head? Neck? She was uncertain. Klaar wriggled with curiosity at the comment of Gibbou on Tusks-and-Fur-and-Fury, so-called Boris despite Klaar’s lack of knowledge. His immense and corpulent form turned and gestured with glowing eyes in the direction of the continent, the first of its kind. [color=0054a6]”It resides in mountains high, of its own creation. Thou wilst find Tusks-and-Fur-and-Fury there, rooting and stamping. I wish thee swift tides and kindly waves, Moon-in-Sky Gibbou. A truer name I will speak for thee after thine parting.”[/color] Gibbou blinked at the name, but quickly switched the confusion for joy and waved cheerfully at the grand frame of Klaar, who was now a short distance away, actually, due to the manta ray’s laborious efforts. [colour=lightblue]“Thank you so much, Klaar! Hope we’ll see each other again soon, yeah?”[/colour] [color=0054a6]”We have watched and we have listened; mine eyes look upwards and yours downwards. We shall see eye to eye again.”[/color] With that, Klaar descended into the depths to return to his works, admiring the Moon-Reef as he passed over it. [hr] It took a long while, but eventually, the manta ray had brought her to land. She casually flopped off of it into the water, spun around to give the manta ray a kiss which it seemed reluctant to accept, and swam towards the shore while the ray returned to its pod. Gibbou stepped onto the beach and looked up - dawn was approaching and she felt herself cringe. The island was about as barren as her moon, but so, so, sooo much brighter. The sands were already reflecting the dawnlight into her eyes and she felt that familiar sting right away. She spun around, looking for any kind of refuge. Not finding it on the islet of sand she could hide under, she desperately brought her palms together, creating a shocking blast that shook the very foundations of the island. In the blink of an eye, the sandy floor grew furry with black, white and blue fungi as small and and thin as blades of grass; all around her sprouted enormous black mushrooms, blotting out the sky like trees with sun-resistant, shield-like caps; between the “grass” and the “trees” sprouted shrub-like colonies of enoki; in between the blades of fungi grass sprouted puffballs that seemed to ooze clouds of calming spores. Gibbou knelt down next to a few of them, squeezed at them gently and took a few deep breaths to help her panicked nerves calm down. [colour=lightblue]“Phew… One day more out of the sunlight is a happy day, huh, mister mushroom?”[/colour] The mushroom didn’t say much, but it was likely in agreement. Gibbou, having calmed down sufficiently, stood back up and had a look around. The forest was nice and dark - only smidges of daylight broke through the roof of mushroom caps. However, it was also terribly, so terribly silent. The thick foliage now drowned out the sound of the ocean, even, so Gibbou could really only hear her own breathing, and almost her heartbeats. She didn’t mind the quiet, but there was also something very off about such perverse silence. She snapped her fingers. Something had to be done! The first thing she did was to create insects - lots and lots of different beetles, flies, moths and gnats to feast upon the forests’ bounty with gusto! She conjured forth slugs the size of cats to gnaw at the slightly larger fungi, and made a bunch of smaller terrestrial mollusks to keep the insects company. A bunch of different bacteria, mosses and lichen also began to grow on the mushrooms, and slowly, but surely, these took on a very dim, beautiful hue that coloured the forest an almost eerie, but dreadfully exciting shade of cyan. Finally, Gibbou walked over to a mushroom tree, which was currently being gnawed at by a group of hungry beetles. She placed her ear against the moist trunk and knocked on it twice. A tiny hole appeared where she had knocked and out popped a little head, with a triangular nose, massive ears and two tiny, curious eyes looking at Gibbou. Gibbou, barely able to contain herself, gently plucked the little bat out of the hole and cuddled it up against her face. [colour=lightblue]“You are the most adorable thing I have ever seen,”[/colour] she whispered to it as it wheezed in light-hearted confusion. Gibbou plated a little kiss on its belly and let it skip off of her hand to chase a bypassing moth. Before long, lots more bats like it were flapping all around the forest, chasing insects and hanging upside down from underneath the mushroom caps. Below, cockroaches were happily feasting on guano. Gibbou stayed in the forest so long that she forgot her original purpose for coming down to Galbar - she just had too much fun creating life. She made porcupines and moles that trundled slowly after the even slower snails and worms; she conjured forth mycophagic mice and rats and then made black owls to chase after them; she made glowing bugs that sat on the trunks of mushroom trees and minded their own business until predators dropped by - which the bugs would proceed to momentarily blind with bursts of light; she made vines that tangled around mushroom trees and sprouted glowing berries that also made their consumers glow - made for nice meals until a predator caught you shining like the sun above. Gibbou had no idea how many days had passed by the time she was done with the ecosystem. By chance, she remembered that she was supposed to make some guardians to keep life safe when she couldn’t see the main continent! That was it! She waited until dark. As she stepped out on the beach, she noticed a beautiful blue glow around her moon. This wasn’t anything of her own doing, and for a second, she felt compelled to soar up and see if anything was wrong. However, for now, she was enchanted by the sight of this blue energy dancing around her moon. She couldn’t help but smile. Reinvigorated, she turned to face the forest. She pointed at it with one hand on her hip and felt her smile become a cheshire grin. [colour=lightblue]“This shall be Neverday Isle (sorry, sis), and here, all things of the night shall forever have refuge!”[/colour] And with that, she kicked off and soared across the sky in the direction of the Toraan main continent. [hider=Summary!] So Gibbou’s pissed that Boris just hopped off like that, but quickly gets over it as the sight of Galbar is just too fine. Then, outta nowhere, physics is suddenly invented, and Gibs is knocked off her moon as it starts orbiting. Now pissed that someone knocked her off her moon -and- that the Dark Side won’t stand still -and- that she can’t pay attention to the same part of the world at all times anymore, she hops down to the surface to make some stand-ins for when she’s away. On the surface, she runs into Klaar, and they have a sweet little meeting where Klaar praises Gibbou’s moon and Gibbou calls Klaar a nice squid. Since Gibbou doesn’t want to swim through the whole conversation, she makes a school of manta rays carry her. In the act, she also makes a nice little reef called the Moon-Reef, with lunar-friendly fish and corals. Klaar and Gibbou say their sweet goodbyes shortly after. Gibbou then ends up on an island far from the mainland. There’s no vegetation and the sun is approaching. In a panic, she makes the mushroom forest of Neverday Isle, but ends up having so much fun making life that she stays on the island until her ecosystem is complete. Once it’s done, she names the island and jumps off to the main continent to do what she was actually supposed to do. [/hider] [hider=Might Summary!] Gibbou: Start: 5MP/0DP [list] [*] 0MP - Make the Moon-Reef, a large reef far off the west coast of Toraan. It’s home to manta rays, moon-reflecting corals and other fish that enjoy life in the dark of the night. [*] 0MP - Make the ecosystem on Neverday Island. It’s an ecosystem which is shielded from the sun day and night, thanks to great fungal trees with parasol-like caps that blot out its rays. The fungal “trees”, “grasses” and “shrubs” make up the lower trophics, while the higher trophic levels are occupied by mushroom-eating fungivores and predators that prey on them. [/list] End: 5MP/0DP [/hider]