[@stone][@Anakin][@Ithradine][@ERode] The Skill System is generally done now. More than enough to get started with at least, but do remember if there are problems along the way I can modify it. You can also find the whole thing in the Character Sheet section. [hider= Skill System] [b]SKILL SYSTEM[/b] The purpose of skills is to be an indicator of the knowledge that you have attained, not necessarily the techniques you know or the spells you can cast. Anyone can learn the incantation of a spell, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they can cast it. Simply put, having Skills simply means you are knowledgeable of it, and knowledge is the first step. Once you have knowledge, Techniques and Spells related to that skill become open for you to learn and use. To learn Skills, you will be required to spend points. The general costs are as below. [list][*][b]Major Skills[/b]. These can cost 3, 5, or 7 skill points, depending on the skill. [list][*][b]Standard Skills[/b] [3 points] These are accessible by anyone. [*][b]Advanced Skills[/b] [5 points] These are compound skills that require prerequisites. [*][b]Secret Skills[/b] [7 points] These only become available under special circumstances.[/list] [*][b]Minor Skills[/b] cost 2 points to learn. [*][b]Mastery Skills[/b]. This requires you to have a Level 3 skill, and the effect is different depending on if it is Magic, or a Martial Art. A Mastery cannot be upgraded, but multiple can be acquired with every 3 levels in the Major Skill. The cost for Mastery is only equal to the Learn cost for the Major Skill it is from.[/list] Skills can also be upgraded, and the upgrade cost increases as the level gets higher. [list][*][b]Major Skills[/b] [list][*][b]Upgrading from Level 1 to 2 [/b]costs equal to the cost of learning it. (eg. If the Major skill costs 5 to learn, then it will cost 5 to upgrade) [*][b]Upgrading from Level 2 to 3 [/b]costs double the previous cost. (eg. If it cost 5 to upgrade to 2, then it costs 10 to upgrade it to 3) [*][b]Upgrading to level 4 and beyond[/b] costs the same as the Level 2 to 3. This can be done continuously.[/list] [*][b]Minor Skills[/b] [list][*]Modifiers and Training skills cost only 2 points to upgrade no matter the level.[/list][/list] Final Note. Minor and Major skills can be leveled to at max level 99. The effects or benefit for having very high level Major Skills is in obtaining a wider tree, while high level Minor Skills is expanding or enhancing what it is you have. Some Minor Skills scale with level (eg. Multiplier modifier may multiply your spells by far more with a higher level).[/hider]