[hr][hr][center][h1][color=40E0A6]Iris Rivers[/color][/h1][img]https://i.4pcdn.org/tv/1561674544437.gif[/img][hr] [color=40E0A6][b]Location:[/b][/color] Galactus' Ship (Team 3) [color=40E0A6][b]Skills: [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr] A smile began to crawl back onto Iris' lips as Sara stepped in between Mira and her, though it wasn't visible behind her metal mask. She was glad that someone else was stepping in. She had no intention of fighting with a teammate. She didn't see the point, especially over something as petty as the other girl not liking the cut of her jib. But any attempt of Iris' to dissuade Mira from arguing was only met with more arguing, so to see someone else take care of it brought relief to her. Her smile widened when Sara went on to make an effort to make her feel more welcome. [color=40E0A6]"Oh, you don't have to worry about me and your man. If I'm good at anything, it's keeping my heart on a leash!"[/color] she said, the amiable tone returned to her voice. She then turned her head to look towards her and Neil. [color=40E0A6]"Thanks Sara. And you too, Neil Solstice Whatever.[/color] As she finished talking, the sound of Mira opening the door caused her to turn her head towards it. She shuffled into the room after Neil and Mira, softly mumbling, [color=40E0A6]"Damn, I wish my aunt was a phoenix..."[/color] as she went. But any previous thoughts were struck from her mind as she caught sight of the creatures on the other side of the door. [color=40E0A6]"Woah...they're tree people! Treeple!"[/color] As she spoke, the metal encasing her head lowered, revealing her grinning face under her mostly-still-intact flower crown. Her eyes were full of wonder as she stared, following Neil in attempted somatic communication with the beings, waving her own hand. [color=40E0A6]"They're not trying to kill us, so that's a good sign."[/color]