[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ILijVCw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/SLQtFtW.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Sl8AYes.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/NieOvUT.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/wcQpXM3.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ubo4mXz.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] "If none of us know where the hell we are It'd probably be in our best interests not to go all lone wolf. At least until we all figure out where we are and if that purple lightshow's brought us somewhere dangerous." "Strength in numbers, yeah?" Jaden agreed. He took a few steps off to the side and shrugged as he said, "But if ya'll want to go it alone, be my guess. Everyone here's an adult... I think." "Hey! Where the hell are you going?! It's almost night, you can't just wander around all by yourself, it's fucking dangerous!" Jaden merely watched the weirdo run off after the girl. Jaden sighed. This guy was probably fucking nuts - and he looked like the kind of guy that liked little girls. Now, while Jaden was relatively good at putting up the front of somebody who, well, just doesn't give a fuck he'd hate to see this little girl end up getting hacked to pieces. "Goodness fuckin' gracious," Jaden said as he tore off after Tristan. Because he was somebody Jaden was gonna judge by his fuckin' cover! Also, Jaden was getting tired of everyone standing around, jerking off, asking the same two fucking questions over and over again! Yes, there was a beam of light, yes they're in a warehouse. Probably not in Araminta. He followed them out of the place because the faster they get out of here the better. Katie, ultimately, decided to stay behind with the group. Namely the rambling one over here. The girl was tall... probably taller than her late grandmother. She raised an eyebrow when she said that "they" were after them. A small part of her wondered if she should ask. Another, bigger, part of her wondered if she was crazy. Either way, Katie walked over to the girl and put her hand on her shoulder and softly said, "Calm down," Katie said, short and to the point. "You're acting crazy." Rita, on the other hand, was confused. She heard another girl's voice in her head speaking. A mass of panicked thoughts and emotions that are not her own. It sounded a little bit like the girl that was raving and now... she was wondering if she was going crazy herself. Rita tried to downplay it. "Yeah, calm your giant ass down," Rita said with an awkward smirk. "If anyone has been abducted by aliens, it's me." "I think we should get a move on," Katie suggested, as she looked at the sun and saw it going down at a rate most would consider... unnatural. [hr] [i]Hey, ain't it a lil' weird that a bunch of dudes are following a girl around.[/i] Jaden thought to himself as their little group marched up the hill. This was not right. Not one fuckin' bit. They're walking down the streets of Araminta's industrial section, and there ain't been a single methhead or hooker. And well, nobody for that matter. Araminta has never been this... desolate. Even at night, somebody is hanging around doing their thing. There was that creeping feeling here - very creepy - that they aren't in Araminta. Everything looks so familiar, though? What else could this plac- The group reached the top of the hill and Jaden's jaw just dropped. He finally got the answer he was looking for as he saw, at the top of the hill, an anomaly not seen in any Araminta he knows! It was a massive chasm in front of him that stretched [i]miles[/i]. He leaned forward to look down one end and he couldn't even see that shit! He looked down and all he saw was darkness. What was the weirdest part of the chasm was the fact that it didn't seem like it was carved out of the ground or anything. The roads, the buildings, and trees warped downwards as if it was normal. Before the chasm became complete darkness Jaden could see some buildings coming out of the side of the chasm. Naturally, Jaden raised an eyebrow. The other side of the chasm wasn't that far away. Hell, he could jump that shit all day long. Not that he was going to risk falling down a bottomless pit. "... Okay, I think we got the answer to all the 'Where da' fuck are we' questions."