[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/h1] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjg4MjQzMzg4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjc1NjgzMQ@@._V1_.jpg[/img] [I][color=limegreen]Location:[/color] Train Hallway -> Exploding Snap Compartment (Compartment 15) [color=limegreen]Magic:[/color] N/A [hr][hr][/I] [/center] Elizabeth smiled at Fae's amended statement, "[color=limegreen]Aye, I can agree to that, I'm about as much fun as a stripper on payday.[/color]" At this time, she started leading the group towards the Exploding Snap carriage. "[color=limegreen]And fer the record, I ain't stooping to their level.[/color]" She said, giving Maddy a look, "[color=limegreen]When the trashman scoops up shit, he ain't becomin' the shit, he'd doing what has to be done.[/color]" Truly, Elizabeth's hatred for that group knew almost no bounds. As far as she was concerned, they were a bunch of degenerate scum, and she wasn't about to abide by their racist bullshit, especially when it was directed her way. She was excited at least, to get her mind off of this and get her year started off right; by watching some nerds play a game of Exploding Snap. Hell, she might even join in on the fun, see if she could get her opponents to play a little more carelessly than they should. Arriving at the compartment, she gave a swift knock on the door, before forcing it open, and announcing their presence to the room. "[color=limegreen]Oi, you lot, we heard a fun game was goin' on in here, me friends and I wanted to see if we could watch, how's that sound?[/color]" She asked, putting on her sweetest voice. "[color=limegreen]Maybe we could join in too? Anythin' to pass the time till we get to Hogwarts.[/color]"