[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200129/2b530ba2297eea5b234b6eed58e3d1df.png[/img][/center] [i]Reddenbarrow.[/i] The name meant nothing to the Goliath, but why would it in a land she knew very little about anyway? Her thoughts had never left the beauty of the snow-capped mountainous regions to the North, land that was peaceful, fertile, and full of more life in a square meter than the entirety of what she had seen thus far. As she continued the journey further along the path, the judgmental stares could be felt as tension in the air made it thick and toxic. Men, old and young, unsure of just what abomination has been released within their small town. Women, averting their gazes out of shame for laying eyes on such creatures. Children. Vah’lux watched on either side of the road as several were ushered back into their homes or huddled behind a loved one as the Goliath passed by. But it wasn’t hate or disgust in the eyes of a youngling. No. Their minds were yet to be consumed by prejudice of that sort. Rather, it was wonderment and curiosity that kept their stares as to say to themselves, [i]”There really are others different from us in the world…”[/i] Vah’lux often wondered why she cared about such things though, especially the welfare of a race who cared nothing for her or her people. Even the existence of the Goliath was lost on the younger generations of humanity, as certain aspects of history and culture outside their own simply dwindled to myths or ghost stories. But looking into the far-off faces of the young children shielded by the unknown, caused the pseudo-giant to simply pity them above all. They will only end up as their blind parents have become. A vicious cycle indeed. As the group stopped at the mouth of the old temple, Vah'lux couldn't help but wonder how often it was used, and how strong the faith of the people was to have allowed such a building to crumble with time. The comment from the Wild Elf soon after they arrived elicited a simple nod in agreement from the woman. While Vah’lux wasn’t opposed to being housed in a temple meant for a human god, it wasn’t the same, and yet her faith still held as such, that she was confident the deities of the Goliath people would hear her prayers. She followed behind the others, having to duck quite a bit in order to clear the doorway before entering the sanctuary. Thankfully, there was time given to reflect, and reflect she did, staying near the back away from the others and kneeling to honor and humble herself before Kavaki and Manethak, for allowing her to live yet another day. Her purpose had not yet been revealed as clearly as she had hoped, but it seemed the wheels were in motion. They weren't going to die. At least not that day.