[h1]The Lifeblood[/h1] Galbar was still warm. Though it had peeked northward, the Lifeblood still had not found anywhere that truly evaded Oraelia's light. Every day, the moon would rise, and there would be a brief respite. But every day, the moon would set, and back came the heat. It never ended. What of the poor, wriggling things? What of the creatures that did not seek the sun, but burned in it? Rocky overhangs and shady trees were not good enough, and the Deep One, though suitably dark, could not support the little ones that gasped and panicked in his waters. The Lifeblood needed something else. It turned its attention toward the Boar. The Boar, rumbled the Lifeblood, had promise, with its stone and mountains. What if, it considered, it took inspiration from Klaar, and combined the methods of the two to create something deeper. Something with no sunlight at all. The Lifeblood descended, carving away into Galbar's surface as Klaar had widened his seas. It hacked and sliced, worming into the colder and colder ground. Soon, puffs of super-heated gas greeted it. Smoke belched from the boiling core below and soupy vapors filled the cavernous veins the Lifeblood left in the earth. It felt the attention of the miniature organisms peeping in, and sought to please them. Mirroring Klaar's eternal weathering of the land, the Lifeblood dug. Its caves spread beneath Galbar in all directions, wild and unplottable, delving miles deep or lurking just beneath the surface. Sometimes the stone walls opened into vast expanses, where water dripped from above and magnificent crystals sparkled. Sometimes, the caves narrowed and narrowed. They could be hot enough to set the stone melting, or cold enough to freeze the water percolated throughout. It was chaotic and beautiful. And when the small beings saw it, they embraced it, finally having somewhere safe where the sun could not tear at their eyes and swift predators could not run them down. Fellow carvers of the rock and dirt multiplied, and Galbar writhed, full of worms and moles and other beasts of the dark. All was perfect. [hider=Summary] The Lifeblood creates cave systems beneath Galbar, impossible to map and hazardous to all but the creepy crawly things suited to cave life without sunlight. [/hider] [hider=MP Usage] 5MP/0DP Free- Created caves 5MP/0DP [/hider]