[center][h3]~ Crown Of Thaln ~[/h3][/center] [center][i]Interacted with:[/i] [@Raineh Daze][/center] [quote=Tyaethe Radistirin]"You... that... [b]how?[/b] It's been common knowledge for the last [i]two hundred years[/i], parents used to scare their misbehaving children with stories! And even without that, there's the immortality, and the pale skin, and [i]I was using a parasol when we came back from the forest.[/i]"[/quote] [u]Tyaethe[/u] appeared upset that Jarde did not immediately pick up that she was a Vampire. He raised his hands in defense. "[color=yellow]Lady Tyaethe, please calm down. I'm sorry for not recognizing you as a Vampire, but can you blame me?[/color]" "[color=yellow]Back home, we never had any races other than human. Sure we were taught there were other races, but just the bare minimum like Hundi are doggy people, Nem are small people, Nagas are snake people, Undead were Zombies and stuff with Vampires being drinkers of blood. There was no illusion though, it was doubtful we were meeting any of these races so we all just nodded and moved along. We never asked what they looked like or how they acted because again, their existence was irrelevant to our lives. Uhh, no offense.[/color]" Jarde did his best to explain himself. "[color=yellow]As for punishment, well, our punishments were more... physical. Hehe, haaaah.[/color]" "[color=yellow]You may say that my home village is pretty sheltered and detached from the rest of Thaln... and you'd be right![/color]" Despite the negative-seeming remark, Jarde was glad to be talking about his hometown. "[color=yellow]It's unremarkable and pretty out of the way. The only outsiders who visit my village are tax collectors and the occasional Church priest or priestess, most of whom I think are surprised that the place existed. The civil war didn't even reach it! Fortunate, yes, but we also kinda got the news late.[/color]" "[color=yellow]Anyway, all I'm saying that I've never seen or met a Vampire until now. Heck, I gawked at Lady Maritza a lot when I first met her. Err, don't tell her that.[/color]" Jarde's frequent laugh was now sheepish. "[color=yellow]I'll have a lot to tell my folks when I get back home.[/color]"