Regardless of what form they were in, the members of Meesei’s pack serves as inspirations to their warriors, and their new armor only made that morale boost even stronger. Lorag, for this battle, was taking on his werewolf form, with dragonplate armor just as heavy as Meesei’s. For such powerful creatures as they were in their lycan forms, the weight itself meant almost nothing, and for Lorag, one of his enchantments enhanced his physical strength even farther. Between the plates of dragon bone and scales, and the ebony chainmail underneath, there was hardly a part of him that was unprotected. Since the blacksmiths only had two dragon skeletons to work with to begin with, his helmet was not made from the actual skull of the dragon as Meesei’s was, though it had been shaped with a similar visage. Aside from his strength enchantment, the rest of the magic bound to his armor focused on magical defense, making him more resistant to nearly every form of destructive magic. It would not confer complete immunity, but it would make him nearly as resilient against arcane threats as physical ones. Lorag did not have a blade integrated into his armor as Janius did, but each of the fingers on his gauntlets were tipped with a dragonbone spike to essentially serve as his claws, and to allow him to fight as he normally would in this form. One hand was even given shock enchantments, which were particularly effective against most Daedra. Ahnasha, meanwhile, had kept her normal form, and much like Sabine, was equipped in light dragonscale armor. Normally, she was not one to wear armor at all, instead preferring to rely on magical protection, but the craftsmanship of this set was superb enough that she was practically excited to wear it into battle. Like Meesei, she did have enchantments to enhance her own magical capabilities, but instead of defense, the remainder of her enchantments focused on maneuverability. Not only did the feather enchantments make the armor seem pretty much weightless when worn, but they also quickened her movements and overall agility. The muffle enchantment also made her steps unnaturally silent, so stealth would still be an option for her. She had a matching bow to Fendros, and two blades crafted from Daedric metal. The longer of the two was a curved blade, like a saber, with a shock enchantment, while the other was shorter and straighter with a paralysis enchantment. Of course, among the most impressive sights out of any of them was Kaleeth, transformed, and in her full armor. The largest portion of the dragon bones were used in her armor, as there was simply much more of her to protect. She was more massive than a daedroth, and with the dragonbone plates covering her from nose to tail, it was hard to imagine what could [i]possibly[/i] even hurt her. She did not worry too much about agility, since she did not have much to begin with. She had worried that, more than most, her beast spirit would not be too accepting of wearing any parts that might restrict her movement, but Meesei had pulled her aside privately before they had gone to be equipped and gave her something to help in that regard. Now, she was wearing the full suit, which even provided some protection for her long, muscular tail, though that was mostly flexible dragon scales and chainmail, rather than plate armor. Her helmet was even tougher than Meesei’s, as the blacksmiths had essentially been able to use the other dragon skull as the helmet with only few modifications, so it retained nearly all of its natural strength. Only her lower jaw was not armored, as her bite strength was too important to her in battle to restrict it. Her enchantments were almost identical to Lorag’s, with one enhancing her already overwhelming physical strength, and the rest giving her more resistance to magic. Kaj-Julan was not sure whether or not to be impressed or frightened of his mother. Not only did she tower over everyone else, but between that armor and the skull she was wearing on her head, she almost [i]looked[/i] like a dragon. When Rhazii spoke up, though, he grinned, nudged him in the side, and pointed at Kaleeth. “No, [i]she’s[/i] why they’re coming back.” While the Forgemaster’s assistants were working on getting Kaleeth into her armor, the Forgemaster himself took a sword from a crate that had been separated from the rest. From afar, it was hard to tell if there was anything special about it, but the Nord clearly looked nervous holding it. The scabbard was finely made from polished wood and leather, but obscured the blade within. Taking a deep breath, the Forgemaster approached Fendros directly. He held out the blade across both palms and bowed as he presented it to the Dunmer. “Fendros Avarul, it is my greatest honor to present my…finest creation to you. You will find no greater blade in Tamriel, or any plane of Oblivion.” Upon drawing the sword from its scabbard, Fendros would find that it was not made from ebony, nor even Daedric metal, but dragonbone.