[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ILijVCw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/SLQtFtW.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Sl8AYes.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/NieOvUT.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/wcQpXM3.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ubo4mXz.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] "Well... We're not in Araminta any more, that's for sure. But then where the heck are we?" "Ya' asking the wrong questions to the wrong people," Jaden said as he threw his hands behind his head. However, he got a hint from a little voice in his head. [b]"... This place is made from the same materials as Araminta,"[/b] Jaden's sigil glowed brightly through his clothes as his abstraction unknowingly activated. The voice in his head was accompanied by the spectral reflection of Lynette appearing right in front of him. He felt chills go down his spine as he clenched his fist upon seeing his "sister". If that was even his sister. [b]"It's like Araminta, but... not."[/b] "Go away..." Jaden growled as he realized he looked crazy... to the Blind. Little did he know, the other Extra-Normals in the company could perceive the Reflection of his sister. Not that he realized that yet. On cue, the copy disappeared into thin air and he shook his head. Okay, that helped him answer one question as he turned his head towards the distance. [center][hider=Silent Hill 3 - Lost Cause][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqLBj1gboBw[/youtube][/hider][/center] The sun was going down [i]much[/i], much, faster now. Like, darkness was approaching them at a frightening pace. It was almost like it was a wave that hit them. And like a wave, they were under complete darkness in an instant... before all the street lights snapped on. This Araminta was dark and foggy. The sky was, unlike it was during the day, completely dark. There were no stars, no moons... nothing in the sky above them. However, there were some sounds in the distance no animal they knew of could make. Before the group could react, three, flesh-colored, tentacles thick as roots appeared out of the chasm. They quickly grabbed onto Kayla, Terry, and Agatha and began yanking them downwards towards the chasm. If one were to take a good hard look; they appeared to have [i]human faces[/i] on the side. What was strange was that the faces were different to each member of the group. To Kaitlyn, it had the faces of her brother, mother, grandmother, and other family members on it. To Jaden... it had his deceased sister and Cierra's face. "What the fuck is that!?" Rita shouted as she fell backward directly on her ass as all she saw on the tentacles was her mother's face. She was scrambling backward as this was nothing that she had ever seen before. "Agatha!" Jaden was at a loss for words... however, there was something inside of him that turned on and told him to fight. He didn't have too much in terms of weaponry, but he pointed at one of the tentacles with one finger and energy-charged up at his finger-tip. A blue ball about the size of a golf ball came out of his fingertip and hit one of the faces of the one holding Katla head-on... He wondered if this is what happened to Cierra for a moment, but he was going to ask questions later. It caused an impact but it was still holding on. Katie was confused as to what in the hell was going on herself. These creatures... why did they have her Grandmother's face? She figured it might be a mind game of sorts, so she had to remain focused. She had to get the people free from this thing's grasp so she had an idea of her own. The wave on her neck illuminated with a blue light as lobster claws came out of the ground around Agatha and grabbed onto her very tightly. Stopping her from moving but it'll only last for so long. "Get her free!" Kaitlyn shouted. "I'll buy some time." Rita was still scared out of her mind and desperately clawing her way backward. Her heart was racing and she wanted to run but that idea didn't cross her mind yet.