Interaction:[@ReedeThe23rd] [hr][hr] Startling slightly at the sudden appearance of a voice, it took only a moment for him to calm down enough to deem it safe, before following after it - atlas raised and ready to deliver a blow if needed. Turning into a hall he saw who he assumed to be the one who called out. It was a young man, dressed in exactly the same grey outfit as he was, metal collar and everything. Add that to his earlier words and it was probably safe to assume that they were in much the same boat... Dammit... If nothing else, at least he seemed to be unarmed so the atlas was lowered and gripped against his chest instead - along with the tiny excuse of a flashlight. "Hi...not an employee, no." He said as he walked slightly closer, the words [i]'I think'[/i] going unsaid. "As for being confused, well...that makes two of us." Stopping a few paces away from the other one, his grip on the atlas tightened slightly, a humorless smile on his lips as his eyes watched the other warily for any signs of hostility. “I hope that you won’t take it personally if I don’t offer you my name, but well, that has a little to do with the whole confusion aspect. Should I ask if its any different for you?” He hoped that he didn’t make a mistake by approaching this guy, for all that he knows he could be the mastermind behind this whole thing. A serial killer toying with his prey before stabbing them in the back after gaining their trust and…yeah, he might be overthinking this a little bit. So far, the guy seems to be in the same situation as him, so he won’t jump to any conclusions for now. He might not be able to get out of wherever this is without help after all.