[b]Mittens![/b] Your Momma reaches around your shoulders and pulls you in with one skinny arm. Euphie is really gangly, after all. “I know, dear,” she says, like a somber and serious Euphie. “If there’s anyone who can stop her and what she plans to do to our world... it’s you. No,” she corrects herself. “It’s [i]us.[/i]” She takes a bite of her sandwich, and you can tell plain as day that she’s busy being strong for you, and if you’re strong for her right back, the two of you should be able to tackle whatever Eupheria plans to throw at you. Momma chews contemplatively, and then raises her eyebrows. “Cinnamon and pepperoni?” Her voice is an incredulous squeak begging for a laugh track, and one imagines it’s hard not to giggle, Mittens. ...by the time you’re finished with your sandwiches, will you let her give you comforting ear rubs? *** [b]Kathelia![/b] “But then who gets the wish, loser?” Azora gets aaaaall up in your face, looking soooo smug. She has ringlet curls. Ringlet curls! “You’re just trying to out-think us cuz you can’t [i]out-play[/i] us. You want to climb to victory on a ladder made out of us!” She shoves you and knocks you down onto the grass. “Get lost, buckteeth. I’m winning this for Daddy!” Eska, meanwhile, gives you a cool glare. It’s hard to tell what she’s thinking. Her frozen smile is starting to get [i]really[/i] unsettling. “I’m still with you,” Rita says, offering you a bangled hand. And... gosh, she’s a Jedadi dancing-girl, all low-cut top and veils, and here you are, just a simple nerd, not sure where at all to put your eyes. Where do you end up staring as you turn beet red? *** [b]Adila![/b] Dandy takes the sandwiches, and takes a great big bite, bigger than you’ve usually seen from her. “Sakes alive,” she says, with her mouth full, “Ah’m more starved than a rattler up a tree, Ah tell you what...” She flops down into a chair, lifting her hooves. “Looks like you’ve had a heck of a time, huh, puppy? Awww, come put your head here, Ah’m not [i]mad[/i] at you, Ah just... Ah just need more time to give it some thinks up in my brain-pan, hun.” She scritches you in the best place right behind your ear and your tail goes thump thump thump, dragging a chair along with it.