[indent][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ivA3L8f.png[/img][/center] [b][color=aaf0d1]Time: [color=f0d1aa]Bakery[/color] Location: [color=f0d1aa][i]Fourier Residence[/i][/color] Interactions: NONE [/color][/b][/indent] [hr] [color=f0d1aa]“...Pleasure doing business.”[/color] Cain adjusted his tie, and the eccentric man who stood opposite him stood up from his exquisite assortment of appetizers and entrees. It almost irritated Cain that he had ordered so much expensive food, yet hadn’t taken more than a bite of a single pastry. Though, Cain had to admit it was hypocritical to be censorious when it came to food. He himself was quite the picky eater, after all. He watched as his cloaked form left the bakery. Of course, it was somewhat odd for him to have met a business partner in such a setting, though Cain had learned to acquiesce when it came to this one. As well, it was one of the higher class establishments in Ember Grove, so Cain supposed he could also see it as a measure of good faith. A steep measure indeed, Cain grumbled to himself as he looked over the sizable bill that he was left. But regardless of how outlandishly expensive their food may have been, the cost of brunch was just a dip in the bucket compared to the value pinned to each and every word they exchanged. It was an intricate ritual, that of the businessman, where blows were exchanged with pleasantries such as paying for one’s meal. Each action Cain orchestrated was a carefully planned out stride towards an increased payout. Nothing more, and nothing less. [b]”Hey. You.”[/b] Cain looked around, searching for the source of the noise he just heard. It was awfully cacophonic compared to the gentle ambience he had expected from this bakery. [b]”I’m talking to you, blondie.”[/b] As Cain was about to get up, a swarthy looking woman took a seat at his little table, situated in the corner of the bakery. She was about a foot shorter than Cain with brunette hair, and wore a suit rather similar to the one Cain was wearing. As well, she carried with her a brown suitcase. [color=f0d1aa]”Ah, pardon me. I’m just heading out, the table’s yours.”[/color] Cain flashed a pleasant smile, nonplussed by her sudden arrival. [b]”I’m not here for the table, Cain.”[/b] [color=f0d1aa]”Wha-...”[/color] Had they met before? Cain wracked his mind for her face, but failed to find a single memory. [color=f0d1aa]”My apologies, have we met before?”[/color] The woman leaned back in her chair, staring into Cain her two blue eyes. She smiled sharply and extended a hand over the table. [b]”For certain, this is our first face to face meeting. Introductions are in order. I’m Diane Savart.”[/b] Somehow, this smaller woman was making Cain uncomfortable. [color=f0d1aa]”Miss Savart, it’s a pleasure to meet you. You seem to already know, but I’m Cain. Cain Fourier.”[/color] Not that he showed an ounce of discomfort. He firmly grasped her hand, and confidently spoke. [color=f0d1aa]”How can I help you today?”[/color] [b]”Help me? No, Cain. You’ve already done enough.”[/b] Diane’s eyes narrowed. Although the two had already shook hands, she failed to let go of Cain’s. Instead, her grip tightened with a vice far stronger than once would expect from her stature. [b]”You’ve got some explaining to do, Cain. Hey, do you know Jeremy Biot?”[/b] Cain furrowed his brow. What was she talking about? He tried to pull his hand back, but it was futile. Somehow, this five foot lady was completely overpowering the over six foot Cain. [color=f0d1aa]”What are you saying? I don’t know any Jeremy Biot.”[/color] [b]”Hmm... “[/b] Diane pondered for a second, and let go, causing Cain to collapse back into his seat. She spoke while he regained his bearings [b]”I guess that’s to be expected. I mean, a man doesn’t learn the name which his steak dinner once belonged to. Oh! Hopefully, he doesn’t hear that, wherever he is now.”[/b] Cain’s face whitened, and realization dawned. His demeanor changed bleak, and immediately he broke eye contact with Diane [color=f0d1aa]”I… I have no idea what you’re talking about.”[/color] [b]”What a blatant lie. You’ve made quite the mess, Cain."[/b] Cain raised his eyes. This time, instead of his manufactured pleasantness, his face was apathetic. There was no use hiding it. This woman had clearly seen him last night, and saw what he had done. If only she knew. He’d have to silence her. [color=f0d1aa]”Make it quick. What do you want? Is it money?”[/color] [b]”[i]Pfft.[/i] That molehill you call a family fortune wouldn’t even pass for a rounding error where I work. No. I don’t want your money, Cain.”[/b] Diane reached down and grabbed her suitcase. She unclasped the latches and retrieved a small opaque bag. [b]”I just have some questions. Though, I hardly think we should talk here.”[/b] She gestured to the surroundings. While they were currently the only customers in the bakery, there were still the employees, as well as the possibility of someone else entering. Cain looked at her incredulously. Did she honestly believe he’d go with her? [color=f0d1aa]”You’re out of your mind if... “[/color] Diane revealed the contents of the bag. It was a picture. A picture of the warlock he killed yesterday, and looming above the body was the shadowy form of Cain. The parasite. She set it on the table in front of Cain. [b]”We wouldn’t want something like this to end up in the wrong hands, would we Cain?”[/b] Cain couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Nor what he was seeing. It was as if some part of him was lagging behind reality. But before he could inquire further, Diane continued. [b]”I should mention, we’re doing this as a precautionary measure. For our own safety, we’ve got to do some inspections, and by the way, we can’t let you see where we take you. We’ve been watching you Cain. You’re dangerous. Especially to us. We know what your family does to vampires, and now that you’re sticking your nose into our turf, you’ve become more than a nuisance.”[/b] Diance leaned back again. [b]”Indeed. You and Abel were quite the nuisance. That’s why you get to live, Cain. You’re gonna help us with that… and so much more.”[/b] Cain shuddered, and stood up. [color=f0d1aa]”What makes you think I’m gonna help you with anything? You’ve got an image of some assault which I’ve got nothing to do with. I’m sorry, but I’ll have to excuse myself.”[/color] [b]”I guess I can’t force you.”[/b] Diane’s smile stretched wider, and Cain could see her two fangs. [b]”Although, I did say we’ve been watching you. We’ve been watching Ava too.”[/b] Instantly, Cain slammed his fist on the table, causing the employee at the counter to flinch and look up. Before he could do anything, he seemed to sense that getting between the two of them was far above his pay-grade. Cain leaned across the table, practically snarling at Diane. [color=f0d1aa]”What the [i]fuck[/i] does that mean!?”[/color] She just chuckled, grinning through it all. [b]”It means we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. You can choose, Cain.”[/b] Cain stayed, his wrath practically oozing from his eyes. And then, as soon as he lashed out, Cain snapped back to his seat. He took a deep breath, and it was as if he had never shouted in the first place. [color=f0d1aa]”Who do you work for. Why are you doing this?”[/color] Diane’s eyes turned blue again, and her smile shrunk to a less malicious proportion. She collected the pictures. [b]”We're just a group of vampires trying to make the world a better place for our kind, Cain.”[/b] Standing up, Diane started towards the door. Cain begrudgingly followed.