"Don't worry, Kazelia!" Mittens flashes a dazzling and hopefully reassuring smile from her dog-free safe space inside her mother's embrace. It's easy to feel confident with her around, right? She's not making you feel self conscious about your fashion choices just by existing, right? She's in your corner, just like Rita is! "We're a team. We can't get so caught up in hoping to make a wish that we forget that. That's why, if we get the chance, I think you should be the one to win for the rest of us. After what you did in Illumina, I trust your wish to be what saves everybody more than anyone's. Even if you decide to pass it back to one of the rest of us, I'll trust in you to the end." So yeah, there's a lot of telltale signs of classic Mittens "being strong for everybody else in the room" right now. But that strength doesn't come from thin air, you know? It comes from you, Kazelia. It comes from you, Adila. It comes from Isolde, and from Dandy, and of course it comes from Rita. So trust it. If you ever thought that she was a cat worth looking up to, then trust the strength she's using for you right now. Mitten's leans her head against Isolde's shoulder, and subconsciously starts nuzzling her Momma. There's a thing that Rita's always told her, since way back when they were little kittens: nobody gives better ear rubs than a mom. Her eyes drift shut for a tender moment, and she realizes for the first time how true that really is. This warmth? This love? This soft little massage across her sensitive little floofers? This purr is the sound of Argossa itself. [Kazelia, Mittens is choosing to Reveal the Way to you: roll with Hope the next time you do something that follows her advice, or the next time you do something that spites her if you think she's a spotlight stealing, tuna-breath having... silly cat!]