Ray hesitated when Vivian mentioned her spirits not being real. They were real... right? She had been living with them for ages now, Dia for most of her life and Ari for a little time shorter. She gave a nod to Vivian as she started head off towards her room, she focused on the art supplies before Ari caught up with her. [b]"Ray you're okay!"[/b] Ari said as she moved to try and press her forehead towards Rays. Ray stepped back almost instinctively and looked around slowly. "N...Not now." She started before she got into her room and closed the door. "I got art supplies!" [b]"I can see that."[/b] Ari started, giving a small smile. [b]"For once things went good with Vivian. Did she.. talk about Benjamin?"[/b] Ray sat down and nodded, tapping the side of the bed for Ari to sit down. When she dd she started to explain things mentally. [hr] Dia sighed, [i]"Ray should be fine. I sent Ari after her. I wanted to see you."[/i] She said quietly before she sighed. [i]"A memopath is... Hard to explain."[/i] She watched him dig into his legs before she moved to gently touch his arm- part of her expected just to go straight through his arm, but she connected with him. Her hand stopped and made proper contact with Benjamin's arm. [i]"Oh."[/i] She uttered quietly. [hr] "Mean." Sara said as she closed her eyes, "She's very mean. She wants to cause pain and misery to me and others around me. It's okay to getting and keeping control but sometimes she just snaps into it." She had a feeling he was going to mention the meds that they give others and herself. She looked towards Marc for a second, "You probably think I'm insane." She sighed, looking out the window again as she leaned back in her chair. "Everyone does. 'It's Schizophrenia' or 'It's just a Mental thing'. Everyone says." She huffed.