[center][img]https://www.mariowiki.com/images/thumb/b/b2/Koopa_Troop_artwork.png/658px-Koopa_Troop_artwork.png[/img] [h2][color=FD0000]The Koopa Troop[/color][/h2] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 3181(+3) (+15 encounter exp) [b][color=FD0000]Bowser: Level 6 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=FD0000]//////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]/////////// (50/60) [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 5 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]///////////////////////////////////////[/color]////////////// (36/50) [b][color=DeepSkyBlue]Kamek: Level 5 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=DeepSkyBlue]////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]////////(43/50) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] Gneidxick‘s Casino [color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color] and [color=92278f]Queen Sectonia[/color] Level 6 - (13/60) +3 Level 1 - (9/10) +3 Location: Guild Hall/Casino [/center] [hider=lift the turtle] Colab with ArchmageMC, Genon and Gentlemanvaultboy Sectonia was having quite the difficult time converting these people to worship her. Most seemed to worship this “Saradomin” person, although that being said she also didn’t get any ‘negative’ reactions either. This annoyed her greatly, but with her diminished powers there wasn’t much she could do about it, so she flew off to investigate the item she had gotten earlier. The item she had gotten from that creature she killed earlier finally coalesced into a pair of magical looking horns. Sectonia could sense the power within this item, but didn’t really care for what they looked like. She thought about it for a bit and decided if she could find a way to paint these to look more beautiful, she’d wear them. Speaking of magic, she heard commotion around the guild hall while investigating her item and decided to take a look. Inside the hall was some magical portal in the ground, with everyone looking at it in curiosity with some onlookers mentioning they heard that a bunch of people went in and haven’t come out yet. Blazermate meanwhile had dozed off out of boredom after maintaining herself while Sectonia was trying to convert people. She came to hearing some people talking nearby about how the heroes who had entered a portal in the guild hall hadn’t come back out yet, and went in to go take a look. Sectonia was already there, eyeing the people in the hall dropping ropes into the portal and deciding what she wanted to do. [color=0072bc]”Hello Sectonia, did you hear about the ‘heroes’ too? I’m pretty sure those would be our friends there.”[/color] Blazermate said, waving to the queen bee. Blazermate was proven to be correct by the arrival of a broom riding Kamek when he suddenly ascended out of the hole. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Hello there Blazermate. His majesty will be glad to see you are alive and in one piece. If you’ll give me just a moment.”[/color] the mage said as he spotted her, before he hovered close to the edge of the hole, giving it a prod with the end of his wand. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Hmmm. No I don’t think it is.”[/color] he said to himself contemplatively, before calling down [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Fairly certain this is not one of the tunnels of darkness the Master of Masters spoke about, the one you need those leather cloaks to travel through safety. We should be safe to return.”[/color] [color=FD0000]”Nobody asked or knows what you’re talking about Kamek!”[/color] Bowser yelled back [color=FD0000]”Now get out the way so I can get up!”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”The portal of swirling darkness that Gneidxick... Oh never mind”[/color] The mage sighed and then obliged his master, hovering out of the way of the hole. A few moments later a massive turtle suddenly appeared out of the darkness, hurtling towards the hole from below, causing those in charge of the ropes to scramble out of the way. Fortunately for them and unfortunately for Bowser, he fell short of his target. The king hung in the air with his hand stretching upwards and his legs comically flailing blow him like a Yoshi, before he plummeted back down, causing yet another panic as adventurers down below scrambled out of the way before he crashed down on top of the poker table the team had been on while shrunk down earlier. Bowser picked his way out of the wreckage carrying the still slumbering form of jr who he had protected from the impact and then tired again. Three ruined tables later found a very angry Bowser stomping the remains of his last fall cushion to pieces. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Perhaps you should try something else, sire?”[/color] Kamek suggested as Bowser proceeded to incinerate shattered remains of the wooden table. “Ugh…” Donnie said as he got up from the mess, pulling himself to his feet and taking stock. Okay, so they were now normal-sized again, two [i]walking cups[/i] had entered the picture, and...wow. Apparently they could warp all the way across the new world! Damn! Still though, that was incredibly anticlimactic. He waved to the Hylian when she approached. “Hey, Linkle. Glad to see you’re alright.” He flashed a smile, but she could see the bags around his eyes. “I could use some sleep, but other than that, I’m fine. I even picked up an ally!” Vivi appeared to his left, putting out a hand to shake. “Hello there! I’m Vivi, but you can call me the Black Mage.” After the handshake was exchanged, Donnie chimed in. “He helped us escape the Dead Zone. I turned him into a Striker after he, well ....” Vivi cut him off, saying. “Please don’t make me think about that, Donovan.” “Awwwww!” Linkle said, ignoring the extended hand due to her own hands being full of cartoon. Instead she kneeled down as the boy appeared to meet him on eye level. “Well aren't you just the cutest wizzrobe anyone’s ever seen. Welcome to the team, Vivi. I’m glad he managed to grab you.” Then he heard an enormous crashing sound, and both of them flinched. Donnie said, “Dammit, I should have known this would happen! Give me a second, I think I might have the answer.” So, he found his flying magic disk, marched over to the Koopa King’s latest crash site, and held it in front of His Majesty. “Hey, Bowser, you want to try this? It’s Titan-Forged, it’ll support your weight.” He put it on the ground in front of the massive turtle-dragon, adding, “It’s thought-controlled, so you might want to take some time to get used to it first.” Bowser eyed the presented disk skeptically, before nodding. He grabbed the disk and in its place carefully handed over his sleeping son. [color=FD0000]”HOLD ON TO JR FOR ME”[/color] he instructed before putting the disk down onto the ground and stepping adobe. Somewhat surprisingly this did not immediately end in disaster. The king merely started gilded back and forth on the disk a few times just a few cm in the air to get the feel of it. [color=FD0000]”THIS IS PIECE OF CAKE. IT’S EXACTLY LIKE USING [url=https://i.imgur.com/SV0TZWv.png]CARRIE[/url]”. MAN, SHE WAS SUPER USEFUL. I COULD MOVE AROUND WHILE BURNING STUFF. IT WAS GREAT.”[/color] Bowser said, reminiscing about the utility of a certain Pixl companion he’d used during one of his team ups with Mario. [color=FD0000]”RIGHT,”[/color] he then announced after a few more practice swooshes [color=FD0000]”LET’S DO THIS!”[/color] With that Bowser began to ascend towards the hole, rising slowly upon the back of the magical disk. Meanwhile above in the guild hall, Blazermate said [color=0072bc]”Oh, so Bowser is down there huh?”[/color] when Kamek confirmed this, everyone in the hall soon hearing a ‘thump’ as Bowser jumped up but failed to get out of the hole. [color=0072bc]”That has to be a deep hole. Good to know the big boy is fine though!”[/color] Blazermate continued, moving over to look down into the hole. Sectonia really didn’t know what to think of all of this. First Kamek mentioning something about dark magic, followed by the bellows and thumps of some creature at the bottom of this pit, and the name Blazermate called this creature, having mentioned Bowser’s name back in the Dead Zone. More out of sheer curiosity Sectonia buzzed her way over to the hole, having a much better stance than Blazermate to look down into it. Down below Sectonia and to a lesser extent Blazermate, could see the group that had just fought the nobody of King Dice figuring a way out. While Blazermate recognized most of the people down below, Sectonia knew no one and could only judge based on appearances. While most of the people below didn’t look very beautiful, considering how beat up some of them looked, she didn’t judge them too harshly on this. She did see some big monster-y turtle thing in a white suit trying to ride some disc object. This person made themselves very well known, being the source of the bellowing voice she had heard come from the hole. Blazermate called from the top of the hole, sticking her head into it to call down to those below. [color=0072bc]”Hi guys! We’re back with new friends! Why’s Bowser trying to ride a floating disk?”[/color] Blazermate said, joining in on watching Bowser fly Donnie’s disc thing. [color=92278f]”That's this ‘Bowser’ you talked about? Must he be so loud?”[/color] Sectonia said, noting how much noise Bowser was making. [color=0072bc]”Eh, you get used to it. He's a big tough teddy bear. You’ll like him!”[/color] Blazermate replied, Sectonia scoffing at this. [color=FD0000]”I am not a teddy bear!”[/color] came an indignant yell from Bowser as he ascended into view just in time to overhear her. He shook an angry fist up at her and immediately began to tilt off course. He noticed this, tired to course correct, went too far the other way and then violently jerked back again, arms wheeling in circles in an attempt to counter balance. Bowser gradually wheeled himself back upright and declared [color=FD0000]”See. I’ve got this!”[/color] right before he completely lost control, the disk tilted to a 90 degree angle and he went plummeting down to smash yet another table to splinters. Blazermate looked down at Bowser’s shenanigans with a bit of a ‘...’ look on her face at how clumsy the king was being. [color=92278f]”So this is the almighty ‘king’ Bowser? I’m not impressed.”[/color] Sectonia said, looking down at the koopa king who had fallen off the riding disc and crashed into a table, noticing the other crushed tables and how this wasn’t his first attempt at this. [color=0072bc]”Well, uh, you see…”[/color] Blazermate said, looking for the proper words as Sectonia looked at her [color=0072bc]”.... He’s strong, shoots fireballs and can take quite the beating?”[/color] Blazermate said, scratching the back of her head. [color=92278f]”... You really need a Queen.”[/color] Sectonia said, almost losing her composure with a sigh at how silly things looked to her. Donnie awkwardly accepted the sleeping prince, gingerly holding him in his arms in an attempt to avoid getting stuck by the younger Bowser’s many spikes, eventually putting him, and the small spectral mouse sat atop Jr, down on the ground. Unfortunately, Bowser was not as good at flying as he claimed he was, getting distracted the moment Blazermate called from above and throwing him off-course, leading to yet another smashed table. Linkle took the opportunity to gingerly lift her cloak off the boy, letting Mimikyu shuffle along across it so it could remain on top of its master, and check on him. She was amazed he was still sleeping after being carried like a football by his dad. “He sure can sleep, huh?” “Hey, Bowser?” Donnie said when the king crashed to the ground. “Why is your son sleeping like a log? Weren’t you all kidnapped? The stress should’ve kept him awake for sure.” [color=DeepSkyBlue]”He, ah, drank a sleeping potion of some kind.”[/color] Kamek explained as he floated down to inspect his master’s fourth piece of furniture destruction of the day. He rummaged around in his robe’s pockets before handing Donnie the other vial of laudanum. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”This to be exact.”[/color] Donnie’s eyes widened, and he broke out in a cold sweat. “...Kamek? That’s not a sleeping potion, that’s [b]a tincture of opium.[/b] He drank a [b]LETHAL OVERDOSE OF A PAINKILLER.[/b] The only reason he’s not [b][i]dead[/i][/b] right now is because the Koopa King bloodline is apparently built like a tank!” He took a deep breath and knelt down besides the Koopa prince. “Kamek, Bowser, remember this: The dose makes the poison. Any substance you eat, drink, breathe, or even [i]put on your goddamn skin[/i] can kill you in high enough quantities. The proper dosage for this stuff is in [i]drops,[/i] and Jr. drank a bottle. It’s a miracle he’s still breathing. Now if you excuse me…” His hands flashed, and Detox was cast, completely deleting the laudanum from Jr’s system. At first nothing happened. Then Bowser loudly complained from the pile of broken wood which he was extracting herself from that: [color=FD0000]”HALF OF THE WORDS YOU USED AREN’T EVEN REAL,”[/color] eliciting a groan from the inside of Jr’s shell. Then Jr’s head and limbs popped out as the boy yawned, stretched and then groggily got to his feet. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Young master, are you alright?”[/color] Kamek asked nervously, clearly having taken Donnie’s words more seriously. [color=SpringGreen]”Urgh”[/color] Jr groaned and then stuck his tongue out in disgust [color=SpringGreen]”Blech, my mouth tastes like toilet water. Got anything to drink?”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”No! Definitely not.”[/color] Kamek replied as he stuffed the bottle back into a robe pocket. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”We can get you something after we get your father out of here.”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”where are we anyway?”[/color] Jr asked before Kamek gave him a very quick rundown of what had occurred. [color=SpringGreen]”And then he just ran off with this lady after she chewed him out? What a loser.”[/color] Jr concluded after the brief bit of exposition he’d received. [color=FD0000]”Yeah, it’s lame. First proper bad guy we meet and he turns out to be a fake or something.”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Yes. The woman called him nothing and nobody, so presumably... Ah ha, nobody, that's what the Master of Masters mentioned”[/color] Kamek began to snapping his fingers as he remembered the Master of Masters brief mention of something called a nobody related to the magic of his world. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”I’ll have to speak with him about that. Uh. after we get you out of course sire”[/color] [color=FD0000]”Yeah, well this didn't work”[/color] Bowser grumbled as he joined them and tossed the disk back to Donnie. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Perhaps we can carry you?”[/color] [color=SpringGreen]”I’ll get my car then”[/color] Jr noted as he let Mimikyu run up his arm and find their spot back on his shoulder, where the spectral pokemon rubbed its fake head against him in a display of relief at his recovery and affection. Jr let it do so for a few moments before pushing the head away and heading for the rope. As the boy climbed Kamek profusely thanked Donnie for his help both because he felt personally responsible for the incident, and because he knew neither of the royals ever would. Sectonia looking down at everything happening below couldn’t help but laugh. [color=92278f]”Its like a circus down there.”[/color] she muttered to herself behind her hand. [color=0072bc]”Huh?”[/color] Blazermate said, but Sectonia ignored her. After a few moments, Blazermate continued. [color=0072bc]”So… Wanna help them get up here?”[/color] asking Sectonia. Sectonia looked at her in disbelief, why should a Queen like herself do something so simple? But even so, it would be a simple matter for her, or so she thought. Conjuring one of her staffs, she held it up trying to summon a ring for Bowser to ride on, but nothing happened as per the usual at this point. Being unable to use her magic finally got to her at this point, and showed visible anger as she threw a small tantrum before recomposing herself. [color=92278f]””No”[/color] she said flatly, still steaming at her lack of magic. [color=0072bc]”Hey Bowser! I’ll help you get up too! Although I don’t know how much help I can be, I’m pretty sure you’d stall my jets.”[/color] Blazermate said, poking her head back into the hole. Sectonia was clearly visible to everyone inside the hole at this point. This did little to dissuade Jr, who had seen his fair share of giant whatever people, as he climbed up to reach them. [color=SpringGreen]”Sup Blaze. Cool arm. We’re all gonna fly papa up so you can help. Throw a bunch more ropes down so we can tie them too him.”[/color] he said upon reaching the pair, before he quickly hurried out of the guild and into the street. [color=0072bc]”Ropes, right… Where could we find some?”[/color] Blazermate said, following Jr. out of the guild hall, leaving Sectonia alone to watch over the shenanigans of Bowser and friends inside the hole for a few moments. After a few moments realizing not much was going to happen until Blazermate and Jr. got back, she rolled her eyes and flew out to grab some rope she saw as well. Soon Blazermate and Sectonia returned with some climbing items, although Sectonia had much more than Blazermate, having known the area better than her. Following Jr.s instructions, Blazermate dropped the end of a rope she had found, while Sectonia just dropped her coil of rope down in a neat, although clearly unenthused manner. Jr returned a few moments after they were done in his clown car. The using the vehicle hovered in through the door and then descended down into the casino once more. There Kamek and his clones (the green one was still insisting on carrying its scarecrow around) had tied all of the ropes that had been thrown down around Bowser’s shell, granting plenty of hoisting points. Jr joined them in grabbing one of the free hanging ropes and together, after a [color=DeepSkyBlue]“one. two. three. pull!”[/color] from Kamek, the 5 koopas floating above him like a bundle of balloons all tired to hoist the king skywards. After much ineffectual straining and pulling Bowser yelled at basically everyone and anyone watching[color=FD0000]”QUIT GAWKING AND HELP”[/color] Blazermate, knowing that she wouldn’t really be able to fly Bowser up, flew down to grab a rope before flying back through the top of the hole and anchoring herself to the ground, using her robotic strength to hoist Bowser instead. Sectonia, who had been watching everything that was happening, couldn’t hold back her laughter at just how silly this situation was. It WAS a circus! If that clown machine looking thing didn’t solidify things enough, this buffoon ‘king’ certainly did. [color=0072bc]”A little help?”[/color] Blazermate said, asking Sectonia to help out with getting Bowser up and out of the hole. [color=92278f]”Why should I? You're doing great on your own.”[/color] Sectonia said, sarcastically as the job of menial labor didn’t really suit her and watching everything unfold was funny to her. [color=FD0000]”IF YOU HELP I’LL GIVE YOU, UH... KAMEK GIVE HER SOMETHING,”[/color] Bowser yelled up at the giant and obviously very strong bee lady. After a bit of umming and ahhing over what would be appropriate Kamek was forced to ask [color=DeepSkyBlue]”What do you want? Or do?”[/color] Sectonia thought for a moment, pleased that this buffoon realized what she wanted and was going to offer her tribute, it was through his magical minion, but still it's all the same. [color=92278f]”Hm… Some Magic would suffice.”[/color] Sectonia said cooly, realizing she had some power in her hands here. Kamek immediately looked both crestfallen and resigned before he reached into his pocket and retrieved the wand of Hopus Pocus he’d only just stolen and tossed it too her, the wand expanding in size to one suitable for the massive insect queen. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Got it from a mage who used it to summon rings of skulls and lines of playing card suit symbols,”[/color] he explained, unsure if it would actually allow her to do that or just act as a good channel for magic. Sectonia accepted this magic item from the koopa mage, placing it where she put the other magic item she had gotten from Acrid before sighing, grabbing a rope with her floating hands, and helping hoist Bowser up. With the added ladypower the king, at last, made his undignified ascension back up into the guild. There was a bit of a traffic jam at the very top as everyone lined up to get through the hole but eventually he set foot back in the Land of Adventure. [color=FD0000]”Good job son, Kameks, Blazermate and giant bee lady.”[/color] [color=92278f]”Sectonia, Queen Sectonia”[/color] Sectonia interjected.[color=FD0000]”Royalty too huh? Yeah I can work with that. Definitely need more of you in this army stuffed full of humans,”[/color] Bowser said once he was untied. Blazermate meanwhile, made sure to look over the newly hoisted Bowser and everyone else, healing up what she saw. Injuries didn’t last long with her around. The white mage Kamek clones helped up with medical duty, but their healing prowess paled in comparison to the Medabots Medic’s ministrations. When people were healed up, Blazermate took one of the longer ropes that was tied around Bowser and dropped it into the hole, tying the other end to a sturdy pole so that the other non giant people below could climb up. The king glanced around at his rather exhausted family and allies and then clapped his hands together decisively [color=FD0000]”Right. I have a plan. First, we get our money. Then we go for lunch. Or a second breakfast,”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Brunch?”[/color] [color=FD0000]”Yeah or that or whatever. I'm starving,”[/color] Donnie, who had flown up to the surface aboard his retrieved Disc, said, "I had a meal before I went down here." Then, he stifled a yawn. "I need sleep more than anything else. We were up all night in the Dead Zone. I'm going to head back to the Inn. Wake me up when the next big fight starts," he sleepily uttered as he made to walk off, but stopped when Bowser yelled something. [color=FD0000]”GUILDMARM! WHERE’S OUR QUEST REWARD?”[/color] [/hider]