[hider=Demon Gunslinger] [list][*][u]IGN[/u]: Ignacio [*][u]Age[/u]: 25 [*][u]Race[/u]: Demon Lord [*][u]Racial Passive[/u]: Flight, fire and curse resistance [*][u]Appearance[/u]: [img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/ignacio/ignacio.jpg[/img] height: 8' [*][u]Personality[/u]: Ignacio is an inquisitive soul with a passion for innovation and problem solving. He has a very 'Do it yourself' attitude and a habit of getting absorbed in his work. Igancio also has a secretive and competitive side and is reluctant to share his discoveries with other. [*][u]History[/u]: In his real life Ignacio is a history professor at a university with a focus on early and late modern history. His activities in the game has been on exploring the in game crafting system and funding his research by selling potions and alchemical creations. His major work has been working through the progression of firearms technology from the industrial age, kickstarted by his own knowledge. Progress in this is largely kept a secret, many of the specific tooling having been handmade. [*][u]Skills[/u]: [indent][b]Alchemist:[/b] Creating potions and consumables by combining alchemical reagents. This has largely been a process of trial and error. He can create items ranging from health and mana potions to flasks that explode violently when thrown.[/indent] [indent][b]Crafting:[/b] A crafting focused on smaller, finer items and tools.[/indent] [indent][b]Gunsmith:[/b] self explanatory[/indent] [indent][b]Shooter:[/b] see above[/indent] [*][u]Equipment[/u]: [indent]Flintlock pistols: His primary weapon, self created firearms that mimic the form and function of early guns.[/indent] [indent]Alchemical Shot: not having access to actual lead and the addition of magic, he can use alchemy to create ammunition with varying effects.[/indent] [indent]Potions[/indent] [/list] [/hider]