[h2][center][color=aaccee]Helena[/color][/center][/h2] [hr] [@SilverPaw][@xia][@RabidAnubis] [hr] Helena happily accepted the cookie Feier offered her, oblivious to the fact that someone else almost choked on one as she happily ate it. [color=aaccee]"Thanks~"[/color] She added, before raising an eyebrow at the newcomer criticizing the food. Apparently they were called Ray, apparently they were already acquainted with Feier, and apparently they didn't like the food. Sure, the food wasn't fantastic, but Helena didn't think it was that bad. She opened her mouth to comment something, only for a pink-haired cat-girl to go off on this Ray, causing Helena to shut her mouth and await her turn. When the cat-girl finished, Helena again tried to say something, only for Feier to beat her to trying to cool down the situation. Then, Ray promptly shut her down. At this point, Helena was starting to get... Frustrated. Her hair began to move slightly, becoming a bit fuzzy as though she was charged with static electricity. Finally, though, the ice mage found an opportunity to talk. So she took it. [color=aaccee]"Hey, I like the food, but I get you might not. Please don't start a fight on the [i]first[/i] day over snacks. It's not like any of us came here expecting top-notch food prepared by chefs."[/color] Helena began. [color=aaccee]"So I request you two cool down before I make you two cool down. This really isn't something to start a fight over, it's just food for the welcoming party."[/color]