[img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/cQr5FgZj4sKmH8XLFVlYqqES7lA=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/16011420/kotor_concept_art_1_700.jpg[/img] [@countlessinsect][@Honesty Crow][@Wildling] [b]Taris[i][/i][/b] [b]Bodyguard, apprentice, harbinger, mastermind[/b] -I hate it that he can do this to me- The Apprentice felt her blood chill as the enormous figure with a crested head loomed behind them both. The only give away about how profoundly it bothered her being how rigid she'd suddenly become for a few seconds before self control allowed her to take mastery of her involuntary reflexes. Aladar took a breath, her dark hair falling over her breasts which heaved under the silver and black tunic. She was her master's apprentice, but also her shadow, her protector (Even if that notion was laughable). Even an ally shouldn't be able to get the drop on her, the notion contradicted her duties so thoroughly it enraged Aladar. But less towards the Highsinger droid and more towards herself, she needed to be better, she needed to be more astute, she needed to expand her senses. -Funny, I've never felt more like a Jedi- even when she'd been a Padawan, how odd, she'd passed from drugs to the philosophy of the Sith and her connection to the force had atrophied along with her sense of self worth and pride and yet, she found herself in one who scorned both. Some wolf like xeno attempted to assault them both, Highsinger nearly disemboweled him with plastiglass and then remarked on how overt and loud her gesture was and the woman offered Highsinger an apologetic smile. "You're right it was, I meant to inflame only one Rodian" she conceded apologetically. "My connection to the force was atrophied for so long, its stronger than ever now" she knew that had to be more than her facing her issues, or even her Master's philosophy and insight into the nature of "force craft" as she insisted on calling it. She'd never been [i]this[/i] strong before and it felt as if the entirety of the force itself was shifting and awaking from a long sleep. She could feel it in the air almost -if I'm doing stuff like this without meaning too, that Skywalker kid must be a god- Then what did that make her master? To overcome both Darth Vader and the Emperor...Was Miryia's grand vision doomed? -she's more powerful than any Jedi I've ever known, but even a vegetable in a bacta tank could have felt the power surging around Endor- She shuddered remembering it, for one brief second of gentle defiance, a boy casting away his lightsaber radiated a light so bright it drowned out the power of the last Dark Lord and his apprentice. No, she thought, faith, I must have faith and fortify myself, grow strong and serve as best I can. Either way, Rheanessya Aladar was done probing the minds of sentient beings for now. The danger to herself was greater than the danger of starting another riot, that easily could have reverberated back onto her and boiled her brain. Some reptilian began to run, she eyed Phasma and began to move her mouth to tell the warrior to grab him but Highsinger was on the brute and pulverizing his hand before either woman could react and then, he was summoning them along. Dragging the maimed reptilian in tow, who was muttering and howling and attempting to bleed. Aladar kicked him in the side "Shut your mouth fool" she hissed, doing her best to sound as vicious as possible even though she was never really good at torture (probably why she was such a bad inquisitor). As the bordello dropped further and further into the rear, smoke began to rise into the sky as several establishments around it erupted in flames and a riot was beginning to break out. Crowds that had once been docile, emboldened by the frenzy seemed to get closer. -Kriff- she thought. Never reading minds again..no sir.