Akari was silently in agreement, albeit unknowingly, with Akari on the "why are we meeting her at a hospital?" concept. To the younger girl... well, hospitals just didn't make too much sense to her. It was definitely one of those "humans were squishy and vulnerable things"; she couldn't wrap her mind around needing an entire building to just... heal something. So why would you ever take even a handful of youkai to somewhere full of people even [i]more[/i] vulnerable than normal... In one hand, the young oni had an umbrella almost the twin of Tomoko's, only it was [i]actually[/i] an ordinary umbrella, and incongruously a plastic bag full of bottles of... water. Yes, water, Akari was [i]only[/i] trying to stay hydrated. That's what she needed to remember to say if anyone asked her why she was carrying these. Though anyone that could smell her breath when she was drinking from [i]another[/i] of the bottles with her free hand would have no trouble working out what was actually in them.