Arla’s brows rose slightly in amusement at Rayth’s slight proud smile. She blinked slowly at his response of “That’s right,” unsure which of her last statements or questions it was intended for. With a mental shrug, she decided it was a sum to all of it. She opened her mouth to ask another question, but she caught his gaze flick toward her neck. She inhaled, muscles tensing. She moved her hand from propping herself up to rest closer to her hunting knife, ready to draw it. But he didn’t make a move toward her before he continued speaking. She met his gaze, holding it until he looked away to let his hair down. Her eyes followed his hand as he pulled the tie from his hair. He was on the handsome side, she’d give him that. Scowling, she shook her head at the ill-timed thought, and glanced away. Holding her breath, her eyes narrowed as she mulled over his words. At least he was being honest, then. Or at least, she [i]felt[/i] like he was being honest. Sincere. While she wouldn’t say she was the best judge of character, she was at least usually good enough to get by. Though time would tell, she had the feeling she wouldn’t have to worry about being killed in her sleep. For tonight, at least. At last, she released her breath. She slid her hand back from her knife to again help support her sitting position. She raised her chin as Rayth continued, assuring her that the cirque was exactly what she’d hoped it was. Arla snorted a laugh somewhere between amused and disbelieving at his last words, unsure if he’d meant it as a joke or not. “Knife thrower [i]and[/i] a comedian?” she began, raising her brows at him. “No wonder they accepted you in.” She exhaled heavily and shook her head, glancing away. “I’m not going anywhere ‘just because of you.’ Wouldn’t be here now if that was the case, would I?” She felt the truth of her decision settle fully in her as the words left her mouth, as if all it needed was to be said to be written in stone. This would be the start of the adventure she’d wanted, one way or another. Vampire or no vampire. “Besides.” She looked back to him. The corner of her lips quirked upward as she donned a cocky expression. “I can’t knowingly let a giant mosquito go parading around a circus mostly unchecked, now, can I?”