POTENTIAL 0 “Depends on the outfit, but not usually. Headscarves are more in style this season. Why? Are you going to finally going to change your outfit?” Sara flashes Euna a grin like a cat that’s just been invited to run security for a cheese convention. “Because I have ideas. No, scratch that, I have galleries. Scratch that, I have [i]connections.[/i] Give me twenty-four hours and I can get you a full makeover.” Stars fall around them, some of them looking suspiciously like bowlers and berets and breastplates as Sara’s mind wanders. “If you want to call out the racist wonder that Vicki’s probably sent after us by now, I know Courtney Lovecraft’s been dying to make something [i]ronin[/i]-themed. The Ronin taking down the Shogun, you rubbing it in her dumb face that a badass [i]Korean[/i] beat her, ha!” The barrage stills, so suddenly it’s almost impossible. There’s stillness from above; presumably whoever’s up there is figuring out what to do, now that all their paratroopers have been blasted out of the sky. Victor’s handling saving the civilians, Euna’s cleared out room, and so Sara grabs her friend’s wrist and pulls her close, beckoning over a camera drone as she slips that arm around Euna’s shoulders, pulling the shorter girl in close. “But first...” “Selfie!” Click!