[center][img]https://cdn-media.threadless.com/challenges/thor_mainbanner_1.jpg[/img][/center] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bygOIaIhpmo][b][right]100 Years before the Dawn of Man // Jotunheim[/right][/b][/url] Odin, Vili, and Ve worked in unison. The three Borson moved in perfect harmony as they cut through the giants before them. Vili continued pushing up on the left flank, Ve on the right. With the might of Gungnir Odin brought up the rear, firing beams of energy at the Jotuns who attempted to attack them from afar. Pushing their way into the tall caverns of the Jotun hall. Ice carved away in increasingly intricate patterns, the chill in the room cut to the bone as the three Princes of Asgard pushed back against wave after wave of defenders. There was a thunderous roar as three beasts came crashing through the walls of the room, two of them instantly careening into Odin's younger brothers pushing them through the opposing wall and taking them out of sight. Odin roared as he and the beast charged at one another, he pushed himself to his knees then into a powerslide. The beast jumped over him, as Odin pushed his staff up towards the beast, the blade grazing the monster's skin. Drops of thick blue blood dripped onto his face. Odin could feel his skin freeze as the blood made contact. He turned to face the beast as it finished passing over him, blade in a low guard. He raised his free hand and wiped the blood from his face, Odin stared the beast down. Worry for his brothers tore at him, but yet his father had entrusted him to do a job here. His father who found them useless in his eternal war to pacify the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil, and yet he would prove his father wrong today. He would prove his worth. [color=#b7b7b7]“ᚲᛟᛗᛖ ᚠᛁᚷᚺᛏ ᛗᛖ ᛏᚺᛖᚾ ᛗᛟᚾᛋᛏᛖᚱ!” [/color] Odin charged the beast as darkness spread throughout the room. Unwilling to waver in his attack, he drove the spear forward as the beast charged him, the tip of the spear puncturing the beast's eye through to the skill. He found himself pushed back by the force of the assault before it fell limp. Pulling the spear from the monster's skull he turned to see him facing a group of six giants. In the middle of them was the biggest of them all, Fárbauti King of the Frost Giants, he held a sword with a hilt as large as Odin and to Fárbautis side was his Queen Laufey. In her hands a casket, from which the chill winds and snows came forth. [color=#b7b7b7]“ᚱᛖᛚᛖᚨᛋᛖ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚲᚨᛋᚴᛖᛏ, ᛋᚢᚱᚱᛖᚾᛞᛖᚱ ᚨᚾᛞ ᚤᛟᚢ ᛗᚨᚤ ᚤᛖᛏ ᛚᛁᚡᛖ”[/color] [hider=Translation] “Come fight me then Monster!” “Release the casket, surrender and you may yet live.”[/hider] [hr] [b][right]The Ship of Beta-Ray Bill // Nidavellir[/right][/b] Lady Sif and the Warriors three walked through the halls of the vessel in which Thor had fought the being that had identified itself as Beta-Ray Bill. Volstagg knelt beside the dent in the floor in which Thor had nearly pummelled the beast to death. [color=#9900ff]“It was a good thing Thor had been the one to fight this beast and not Volstagg the Vigorous-”[/color] [color=#f1c232]“More like Volstagg the Vain.” [/color]If Volstagg had heard the retort from Fandral then he had chosen to annoy it. [color=#9900ff]“-I would not have entertained the beast for as long. So says the finest warrior in Asgard!” [/color]The God stood up, standing a solid two-foot higher than everyone else present and he also had significantly more volume. His considerable girth likely would have been impossible for a mortal to maintain, while also being as strong and able as he was and yet he somehow managed to live his life and boast feats he could never complete. [color=#674ea7]“We are not here to cast judgment on what happened between Thor and the beast. We are here by the command of Freyja to determine what happened to the other mortals that were aboard this ship, a threat is coming that is an endanger to all nine realms.” [/color]There was some grumbling as the two warriors spread out. Sif cast her eyes upon Hogun, the silent Vanir was busy working away at some panel near a door. Hogun looked back over his shoulder. [color=#dd7e6b]“I have found something.” [/color]The other warriors approached, all looking at the panel. There was a large gouge mark in the panel. [color=#dd7e6b]“Something either wanted in here or wanted to keep something in.” [/color]Volstagg approached the door chuckling, cracking his knuckles as he approached the door. [color=#9900ff]“Not to worry, Volstagg the Weighty shall make light work of this door!”[/color] [sup][sup][color=#f1c232]”You can’t do anything light.”[/color][/sup][/sup] Volstaggs mighty fists came crashing down on the door, hitting it once and the doors barely moved. Twice and it gave way just by a small margin. Giving up on the fists Volstagg roared as he charged shoulder first into the door. There was a bang, a clatter and a groan as the metal moved to give way, and yet it still did not cave under the pressure. He pushed himself harder. [color=#9900ff]“This-”[/color] He hit it again [color=#9900ff]“door-”[/color] and again [color=#9900ff]“will-”[/color] and again [color=#9900ff]“yield-”[/color] and again [color=#9900ff]“so-”[/color] and again [color=#9900ff]“says-”[/color] and again [color=#9900ff]“Volstagg-”[/color] and again [color=#9900ff]“the-”[/color] and again [color=#9900ff]“FORCEFUL!” [/color] Lady Sif sighed as she turned around and walked away. Let the foolish men use brute force to try and uncover secrets, she would use the power of her mind. [hr] [b][right]Palace of Kings // Asgard[/right][/b] Odin sat atop his mighty throne, his wife Freyja stood at the foot of the steps as the All-Father stood up and walked towards her. [b][color=#b7b7b7]“Wife, go to the healing chamber. Discover what secrets you can learn from this Beta-Ray Bill. Something threatens all my domain and I would know what it is.”[/color][/b] As he continued to approach her she looked up at him and for the first thing he noticed was rage and pain in her eye. [b][color=#b7b7b7]“What is the matter, wife?” [/color][/b]She looked like she might hit him as she turned toward him with a fury. [color=#ff9900]“You are going to banish our son?” [/color] Odin rolled his eyes. [b][color=#999999]“The threat of banishment shall put things into perspective, the boy is a fool and a thug.”[/color] [/b] [color=#ff9900]“I wonder where he learned that.” [/color]The hall echoed as Odin paced towards his wife, his rage insurmountable. [b][color=#b7b7b7]“You dare?”[/color] [/b] [color=#ff9900]“Yes I dare. You send him to a world of Mortals, and thugs. A world that has changed far beyond his knowledge to investigate a threat you don’t see with your apparent omnipotence.” [/color] [b][color=#b7b7b7]“You dare question who put the hounds to chase the Sun and the Moon in motion? One of the Old Gods who hung the very stars in the skies?” [/color] [/b] Freyja sighed, a look of complete and utter disdain on her face as she turned to walk out of the room. [color=#ff9900]“Too long have you sat on your throne and not ventured among the people. I shall do your bidding my King. Perhaps you should be the one to head to Midgard and find some cool for yourself.”[/color] With that she turned and left the hall, the door slamming closed behind her. Odin sighed as he threw Gungnir into a corner, it clanged and clattered as Odin groaned and roared out of anger. She was such a bullheaded stubborn fool of a woman! It had been endearing when he first met her, battles between the Aesir and the Vanir until Freja offered peace through marriage between Odin the All-Father and his daughter. While at first, it may have been purely to end a war that showed no sign of ending, he had eventually fallen in love with the beautiful goddess. Now she questioned him, doubted him and his power. He knew what he was doing, after all, he was Odin. All-Father and the most powerful being to ever exist in all the ten realms. [color=#741b47][i]Caw-Caw[/i][/color] Odin looked up as two black ravens entered the hall, flying straight through a window as if it was not there. One landed on the right-hand side of his throne while the other landed on the left-hand side. They spoke as one, alternating between every other word. [color=#741b47][i]”He comes, he comes. From Midgard, he comes. With an ax of cold and fury. Aiming to knock the fruit of the world tree bare and start again.”[/i] [/color] [b][color=#b7b7b7]“Bah!”[/color] [/b]Odin swatted the two ravens away and they fluttered away out of the room. Odin walked back to his throne, sitting back on it. Turning to a nearby guard. [b][color=#b7b7b7]“Bring me the head of Mimir!”[/color] [/b] [hr] [b][right]Mount Olympus // Midgard [sup]Greek Pantheon portrayed by [@Mao Mao][/sup][/right][/b] The Bifrost came shooting down from the sky atop Mount Olympus. To any mortal who happened to be looking on at that moment in time, they may have believed it to be a strange lone bolt of lightning, as a thunderous roar echoed for miles around. Loki stood in his finest Asgardian Garb, golden horned helmet upon his head. Gold embroidery on all his clothes, green and black highlighting his chiseled features. Walking forward through the mists he saw a figure approaching him. Wearing a toga and a helm, the golden-haired God came towards him raising a hand towards the Asgardian God of Mischief. Loki bowed, till his body was at a perfect ninety degrees angle, right hand motioning forward before swirling around to the right, his other hand over his chest. [color=#6aa84f]“Greetings Hermes! Greeter of Olympus, runner of errands.”[/color] He looked up at God with a twinkle in his eye. The two had always had an understanding during the time where they shared Midgard, both being of a mischievous persuasion. Loki would have respected him more however had the Olympian had more stomach to follow through on some of his pranks. [color=#6aa84f]“I know you were not expecting an Asgardian on Midgard until several years from now, however, I come before you in need. I request an audience with your Lord Zeus.”[/color] [color=#FFC862]“Loki?!”[/color] Hermes didn’t believe his eyes to see his old friend in the flesh! He gave the mischief a strong hug before letting him go. [color=#FFC862]“Oh my brother! How have you fared since your last visit?”[/color] Loki awkwardly joined in on the hug, before pulling back away from Hermes with a smile upon his face. [color=#6aa84f]“I have been well. The All-Father prepares for the Odinsleep, and I stand ready to be regent in his stead. The Jotuns have been restless of late, and more scouting parties of Dark Elves have been seen in the hills of Alfheim and Nidavellir.”[/color] Loki shook his head. [color=#6aa84f]“Merely another year in the nine-realms, another year closer to war, though that is not why I am here. My brother has come to Midgard, and as per the treaty I must discuss matters with Lord Zeus, master of Olympus.”[/color] Hermes’ mood suddenly changed upon hearing that an Asgardian dared to set foot on their playground. It was blasphemy. [color=#FFC862]“Oh... Well, I’d expect Odin himself to defend this defiance of the sacred treaty.”[/color] [color=#FFC862]“Where is he?”[/color] questioned Hermes as he looked around for the revered God. Loki gave a wave of his hand. [color=#6aa84f]“The All-Father has more important matters to deal with than the comings and goings of Midgard. He has sent me in his stead to discuss how this impacts the treaty, as Crown Prince it is my right and I speak with the full authority of the All-Father. Go now Messenger, bring me before the Gods of Olympus.”[/color] [color=#FFC862]“You’re cute when you act like a king.”[/color] Hermes lightly slapped Loki’s face in a flirty manner. [color=#FFC862]“Unlike me, though, the others won’t be pleased that you’re speaking for Odin. Especially my father. But, I will do my best to smooth things over. For old times sake.”[/color] Reaching into his satchel, Hermes took out papers and a quill and instantly wrote out a formal request to the other Gods. And then, he sealed them with a unique wax. Being the messenger for a long time enhanced his speed to be the fastest of all the Olympian Gods. However, he turned to the nearby marble Kolossi in his ancient tongue. [color=#FFC862]“These guardians will keep an eye on you while I get the debate ready.”[/color] Loki bowed once more before the Greek God. [color=#6aa84f]“Go do so Hermes. I will wait.”[/color] [hr] [b][right]Oslo // Midgard[/right][/b] Thor sat in the rear of the chariot, the wailing of a dead banshee announcing their presence to all the mortals nearby. It must have been some form of high honor, likely so that people recognized his station and the importance of his quest. It worked for the most part as other chariots moved out of the way for them, and the fine warriors escorting him seemed to ignore whatever rules that the other chariots appeared to follow. He held on, yelling with glee as they turned corners and the force of the turn cast him into one side of the chariot to the other. As he hit the side the entire vehicle shook and the two warriors cast nervous glances to one another. [color=#a4c2f4]“So tell me Noble Warriors! What is the name of this mystic you take me to see? I hope they are most wise indeed, I am on a quest from the All-Father Odin himself!”[/color] He elected not to tell them that the All-Father was an insufferable old fool who sat atop his throne and never did anything of consequence. One of the mortals turned around, the one not behind the wheel that seemed to control the contraption. <“We’re taking you to see the chief, she’ll know what to do.”> Thor let out a hearty laugh. [color=#a4c2f4]“A mortal wench for a chief? My how times have changed on Midgard! Last I was here Women of the station were few and far between.” [/color]He held Mjolnir in his hands, as the chariot came to a stop outside a building he saw many more warriors standing there, welcoming him in a mighty reception. As the door was opened for him he stepped out and stretched his arms wide. [color=#a4c2f4]“Lo noble warriors! A fine greeting indeed.”[/color] He turned back to the two who had brought him here. [color=#a4c2f4]“Take me to your chief, for once we find this great threat to Yggdrasil we can ride together into glorious battle!”[/color] One of the warriors outstretched his hand before speaking <” Sir, we’re going to need to ask you to give the hammer to us.”> Thor merely laughed. <” We’re not joking Sir, we’re taking you in for questioning and you can’t be armed.”> Rage built within Thor, questioning? Had this just been an elaborate trick? Lies and deceit, the likes of which he would expect from Loki, trolls or Dark Elves but not from the honorable people of Midgard. There was a crackle of Thunder overhead. [color=#a4c2f4]“Tell me you jest, noble warrior, that you would not lie to the God of Thunder, Prince of Asgard. Not when the lives of billions are at stake.”[/color] The warriors all looked uneasily at him, one made a move for Mjolnir. As his hand clasped it Thor let the hammer go, it fell to the ground unable to be lifted. Without so much as flinching Thor walked calmly up the steps. [color=#a4c2f4]“I would answer the questions of your chief-”[/color] Behind him two mortals now strained to try and lift the hammer. [color=#a4c2f4]“-Though know that no man nor woman other than Thor may lift the mighty Mjolnir.” [/color]A warrior stepped before him with one hand raised as if to stop him. Thor extended one arm and lifted him pulling him close to his chest. [color=#a4c2f4]“Do not stand in my way. I would have words, and then I shall leave you to whatever machinations you are planning. My quarrel is not with you, nor your people.”[/color] By now there was a gathering of mortals near the base of the stairs up to the building, some of them holding the small square things pointing at him while more and more warriors arrived. Some switched out with the ones attempting to lift the hammer but he paid them no mind. As he approached the door it opened before him. A man in a suit stood there, flanked by two other mortals who were equally as impressively dressed. He turned to one of the people beside him. [color=#fce5cd]“I was told this was going to be a nice, calm assignment after the mess that went down in New York with Stryfe.[/color]” He turned to Thor, though before he could speak Thor cut him off. [color=#a4c2f4]“Are you this Chief I have been told wishes to speak with me?” [/color]Thor eyed him with disdain, while all these warriors appeared small this man would hardly be fit to be a toothpick for a Frost Giant. The man raised an eyebrow as he looked at Thor. [color=#fce5cd]“You speak English?”[/color] [color=#a4c2f4]“Through the power of the All-Speak no matter what language is spoken I shall understand it, and whatever I say will always be understood. Now answer my question. I grow weary of these games.”[/color] The man nodded, took out some form of parchment bound in leather and showed some form of signet with runes upon it to him before putting it away. [color=#fce5cd]“Then we can begin, I’m Phil Coulson, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D and we’d like to ask you a few questions.”[/color]