Kathelia's mind vaguely registered that Eupheria had just done a creepy magical thing. She had even looked at the operations manual at one point, trying back in Jedad to understand Adila better and so she felt the vaguest sense of connection to what was happening. That piece of Kathelia's mind thought that she ought to do something about this, maybe talk at Eupheria a bunch and explain why she should leave Adila alone, and also try and explain the metaphysics of what had just happened because it was [i]seriously[/i] fascinating. HOWEVER! That tiny part of Kazelia's mind was currently being drowned out by the extremely loud thudding of her heart and the blood thundering in her ears. There are pom-p-pom-poms right in her face! Very loud! Fox pompoms! And...and even if the pigtails aren't flattering...exactly, Kyouko and Kathelia are matching! Matching! Oh goodness, oh dear, Kathelia just cleaned her classes and they appear to be steaming up again. Oh no, oh, oh, this is really quite...goodness is she jumping again?! Oh goodness, and her skirt is v-very s-short. Kathelia is quite certain that is a shorter than regulation cheerleader skirt, which she would have to be sure to tell Kyouko except that, oh no...oh no she has matching magenta panties which is [i]extremely[/i] unfair. Kathelia appears to start falling backwards, those pom-poms must really be making her uncomfortable, yes that's got to be it, but she'll need someone who isn't distracted to catch her, otherwise she'll roll herself into a very gangly fall and probably lose her glasses in the process, and that will make everyone have to stop what they're doing while she searches for them.