This is the second time she's had to watch this happen. The second time she's seen unnatural, twisting arms grabbing at Adila. The second time she's listened to her making those sounds mixed somewhere between pure pain and absolute terror. The second time her heart screamed at her in its loudest voice to do something to stop it, and the second time her body wouldn't listen at all. It's actually worse than it was with Oberon. At least back then her mind had been sunk inside the crystal song, and her body had less failed to move as it understood it wasn't really supposed to move in the first place. This time she has a body that's [i]made[/i] to move and it just... won't. She strains. She tries to scream. Nothing. Her soft, vibrant, graceful body refuses to budge an inch, not even to strain her muscles and at least register the effort she's putting into trying to help. Even her expression is stuck in that same contented kitty bliss she'd been purring into the room from Momma's ear rubs. She can only use her eyes to express her horror. Then the world lurches back into motion all at once, and if Momma hadn't been clinging to her for dear life, Mittens would have shot off like a bullet. Even then, if she hadn't also been holding Adila she might have abandoned her Momma to cross the space between her and her friend so quickly you'd think [i]she[/i] had touched the Time Dragon. But they're held together, so Mittens' motion is more restrained. Her tail flicks aggressively. Her ears pop up straight and strain for sounds. She winces when Dandy gets spun around and winds up socking Adila in the face. And then her eyes pulse that gentle green light for a moment before they dim again. It's only for a moment Adila, but in the space of that tiny flash you feel like someone just gave you the perfect bath. There's a brief sensation like someone's gone over your body with a gentle hose full of the sweetest, warmest water imaginable, and then when that's gone it's like being patted dry with a fluffy towel that feels like nothing so much as pats and hugs and love. I can't say if it's enough to undo the horror of what you just went through, but heal your Courage anyway. Mittens blinks and looks away. She squeezes her Momma to reassure both of them while her eyes find and then stick to Eupheria. She'd like to be looking at something else, someone else, anything else, why don't we go feel weirdly jealous of Azora's hair or join Kazelia in staring at Kyouko's skirt, or better yet watch Rita and feel for a moment that sense that everything will be perfect in just another second? Let's do that, hm? But Eupheria is like a magic eye puzzle: once she's been seen, she won't be unseen. Her eyes try to wander, only to slide right back onto those swirling eyes, that magenta hair, those sickly lights, that [i]absurd[/i] corset. She feels like she should say something. She wants to say something. Something powerful and defiant! Or something to cut through all of the hurt and belittlement that's choking the air everybody (Eupheria included!) is breathing right now. But instead she blinks and notices the first Adila. Really notices her for the first time. And all her stupid brain thinks is: Oh. My great-grandmother and I have the same taste in women. Ourania explain to her why that seems helpful to notice. [This is a new scene, so Mittens is damaging her lights to heal Adila]