[color=Red][center][h1]Kate[/h1][/center][/color] [color=Red]“Thanks!”[/color] Kate said after permission to take a photo had been granted. *Snap!* [color=Red]“Yeah, it’s actually one-of-a-kind,”[/color] Kate replied to Prof. Thalis’s inquiry. [color=Red]“It was made by an old friend of mine. She liked to call it ‘Nykannis’s Hyperdigienchantech Photographic Implement 3000.’”[/color] She chuckled. [color=Red]“Pretty pretentious, right? But that’s Nykannis for ya. I guess she’s a fairly typical mad scientist in that regard.”[/color] It was about then that Bet Eil made her awkward and amusing entrance. [color=Red]“Oh, cool, it’s the councilor. Sorry to cut this short, teach, but I’ve got something I wanna talk with her about. See ya later!”[/color] she said with a wave as she walked over to where the slime was standing.